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DNR at Beaver Mtn on Sat what a joke


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Aug 28, 2001
I need to vent just a little. As everyone who unloaded at beaver on sat the DNR or park rangers or whom ever they are had 11 guys stopping everyone on the trail Sat. 1st off what a waste of tax payers money. There is no way that they could write enough tickets to pay for the wages of 11 people for the day. Not to mention they had enough food there to feed an army for a week.

My real gripe though was how they treated my kids. Anyone that rides that area or Tony Grove has probably seen my group because I usually have my kids with me unless the weather is real bad. My kids are 6, 8, and 10. Each of them have a Yamaha Bravo and they love snowmobiling. We usually meet my sister's family so we have 7 or 8 kids along all under 13 years old. Nothing is better than to see them learn to love the sport I have loved for so long.

I have been checked 4 times already this year for registrations. Usually it is the same guy. After the first time he has walked over, seen us and say "oh you again, have a great day I know you are registered." He happened to be the one that walked out of their tent and told me to pull over he was going to have to run a VIN check number on my sled because the month sticker has fallen off. Well its a 2014 and I have the year sticker so how could it be expired? What ever no big deal, I'm sure he just had to show off for his boss that was watching even though he knows darn well it is registered.

Shortly there after his boss walks out and goes over to my kids and asks how old they are. I only had my daughter who is 10 and my youngest son who is 6 because my middle son was sick. The guy asks Ryker how old he is and Ry told him 6. Then the guys asks him what are you doing ridding a snowmobile if you are only 6? He is scarred to death and starts crying. The guy walks over to me and proceeds to tell me how you can't drive a snowmobile until you are 8 and have passed the online test. He then proceeds to lecture me for 20 minutes on how dangerous it is to let him drive. Well the kid has been driving his own snowmobile since he was 4 years old and I'm positive he know more about snowmobile safety avalanche rescue and can probably out ride any of the blow hard's standing over in the tent. Live and learn I guess, I should have known he couldn't ride yet. I broke the law give me the ticket and let me be on my way. The guys then proceeds to tell me that he should give the ticket to my son and make him appear in juvy court but since he was nice he would give the ticket to me. He asks for my drivers license, I never carry my wallet while riding and tell him its in the truck all of a 1/4 of a mile back down the trail. He then proceeds to tell me how its against the law to ride without your drivers license on you and he could write me another ticket for that. Am I the only one who leaves their wallet in the truck?? He then says well I can process your paper work without it any way. Really, well then why did you ask for it. He goes over to his snow cat and calls it in. After 20 minutes he comes back and says we cant find you in our system (proves I'm not a hardened criminal I guess) you will have to go back to your truck and get your license. So I walk over and start my kids sleds and say we have to go back to the truck quick. He comes running over and says the kids have to stay here. Why i ask, because I might not come back if they go with me. I tell my kids to stay there I will be back in a few minutes and instantly they both dissolve into tears and beg me not to leave them. I tell them I will be back really soon and they will be able to hear my snowmobile the entire time i'm gone. I take off get my wallet come back and all the blow hards are sitting in their tent and my kids are sitting on their snowmobiles in the pounding snow storm. I was so mad at this point I couldn't even talk. I dry their tears and they ask me what they did wrong. I tell them nothing, I am just going to get a ticket and Ryker will have to ride with me for the day. After another 20 minutes he comes out of the snowcat with my ticket. I sign it and ask if Ryker can ride his sled back to the truck or if I need to leave it there until we are done for the day. He says "oh he can go ahead and ride today" Are you serious??? I just got a ticket for letting him ride and now you say go ahead and let him ride for the day. What a joke, to make my kids sit there while I went to the truck, then give me a ticket for the exact thing that you allow. I was soooo mad i couldnt stand it. No reason to treat little kids like that.


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Nov 12, 2012
Samak, UT
We saw them there both days we rode there over Valentine's/President's Day Weekend. They were checking for ID and UT registration.

Bummer what you had to go through, I agree seems completely wasteful of resources! :face-icon-small-dis

Hopefully your kids can forget that experience quickly!
Oct 8, 2003
As ridiculous as everything you mentioned "technically" according to the law the fish cops were in the right (although I don't agree with them). Up until the point they said you couldn't take your kids. That absolutely infuriates me, and they had no right to do that.

It's amazing how much power these Dbags have. They can absolutely ruin your day IF they choose to. Its uncanny how 90% of the time they choose to be power hungry pricks. And for some reason they seem to always make things 10x more difficult then they need to be.


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Aug 28, 2001
I agree I was braking the law and I'm happy to pay the ticket. Just don't treat my kids like they are criminals. The other thing that pissed me off was one of the sleds they had there was not licensed. When I asked them about it he said "well it should be but technically we don't have to because they are exempt like a cop car." Well a cop car at least has an exempt plate on it.
Sep 22, 2013
Sad to hear. We head to the mountains to get away from harassment but they are going to soon ruin that for us! I got pulled over twice last year on the sinks road in my pickup and checked for alcohol. Both times I had none but I wouldn't dare enjoy myself cause they will make that against the law to. They claim that they want the youth involved in the outdoors. But all they care about is regulation and the holy dollar. I'm surprised they didn't search you for drugs. Pathetic it has come to this. I would say I hope your kids could forget about that experience but I'm sure they will get reminded soon enough


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
This really sucks, by the way..... My family teaches the OHV course and the law is at 8 years old they have to take the test to ride, below 8 they have to be accompanied by a rider over 18. I know this because I have and 8 year old and a six year old and my 8 year old is taking the class right now. It is becoming a bigger and bigger problem with DNR (Super rental cops) now that the state is putting limitations on their power and where they have jurisdiction. Any time you have a encounter with a DNR cop turn your go pro on (if you have one). My buddy got two guys fired last year for lying to him about the law and using intimidation. he took the video to court and told them he would release it to the press if they didn't take action against the 2 super rental cops.

Sorry this happened I would have freaked out if was me and my kids. Having gone through P.O.S.T I have no respect for law enforcement like this.


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Dec 3, 2007
Just brush it off and forget about it although I do feel they took it a little too far interrogating your kids. If they are nice to me I'm nice to them if they are trying to be power hungry sh!t heads then I'm the biggest smart a$$ to them. Like you I keep my wallet in the truck. For how many tickets they write you would think they would have nicer sleds!


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
In Michigan I have officially changed there name to the gestapo revenuers!! There outta control antics are known far an wide. There after your money and that's it.


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Dec 8, 2007
had a very similar experience here in iowa with my kids, remember dnr stands for dam near retarded! they are the most insensitive idiots when it comes to kids


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
A guy at work told me today that this weekend a DNR officer down in tooele stopped him inside city limits and was given a ticket for crossing the road from his house to his horse pasture on his atv. Ticket was for operating a OHV on public roads.
Dec 21, 2007
Damn Fish Cops

I have had the same think up Logan Canyon. Anyway I got caught fine but I didnt know they run the Vin and my sled wasnt in the system so he threatened to impound my sled. Luckily I had my sales reciept from Frank May and he let me go with just a ticket. Be careful they run your vin like a car now and they will impound in a heartbeat. They also gave me crap about my kids not having helmets. I had them and was planning to put them on I just hadnt had time yet I got the 20 minute lecture about that. I dont like rules or authority so I got pretty fired up but what can you do. I just run like Bo Duke runnin from Boss Hogg when I see them. When we load and unload we have our clothes on and haul *** so they dont catch us. Now they are blocking the trail so its making it harder to get away with it.

Damn fish cops they ride new sleds and have to justify the cost.
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Lt Rascal

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Feb 4, 2004
Nibley, Utah
I have had the same think up Logan Canyon. I had a new ski doo I never register in Utah to avoid the tax. I just figure 100.00 ticket is better than 700.00 tax. Anyway I got caught fine but I didnt know they run the Vin and my sled wasnt in the system so he threatened to impound my sled. Luckily I had my sales reciept from Frank May and he let me go with just a ticket. Be careful they run your vin like a car now and they will impound in a heartbeat. They also gave me crap about my kids not having helmets. I had them and was planning to put them on I just hadnt had time yet I got the 20 minute lecture about that. I dont like rules or authority so I got pretty fired up but what can you do. I just run like Bo Duke runnin from Boss Hogg when I see them. When we load and unload we have our clothes on and haul *** so they dont catch us. Now they are blocking the trail so its making it harder to get away with it.

Damn fish cops they ride new sleds and have to justify the cost.

So you are one of those guys that I as a registration paying snowmobiler support? Because you can afford a new sled but not the taxes and registration on it. Give me a break Dude. I ride and register in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and Montana every year. Do I agree with having to register in each? NO. But that is the LAW. Why do you feel you should not help pay for the trail grooming that you use and I am sure you complain about if it is not done well enough.

Do not get me wrong. There are some "fish cops" that are idiots. From the sounds of it the cops in question above were out of line. But the majority of them are just doing their job enforcing the LAW.


Well-known member
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Oct 28, 2009
I have had the same think up Logan Canyon. I had a new ski doo I never register in Utah to avoid the tax. I just figure 100.00 ticket is better than 700.00 tax. Anyway I got caught fine but I didnt know they run the Vin and my sled wasnt in the system so he threatened to impound my sled. Luckily I had my sales reciept from Frank May and he let me go with just a ticket. Be careful they run your vin like a car now and they will impound in a heartbeat. They also gave me crap about my kids not having helmets. I had them and was planning to put them on I just hadnt had time yet I got the 20 minute lecture about that. I dont like rules or authority so I got pretty fired up but what can you do. I just run like Bo Duke runnin from Boss Hogg when I see them. When we load and unload we have our clothes on and haul *** so they dont catch us. Now they are blocking the trail so its making it harder to get away with it.

Damn fish cops they ride new sleds and have to justify the cost.

You should re-read your post and think about why the DNR are now setting up road blocks and running VIN's.

Not trying to start a pissing match, but you are their justification for being there.
Oct 24, 2011
Similar experience

When I was 12 and my brother was 14 I had a similar experience. We were staying at a cabin in winter on a church trip. In the morning my dad said take the phazer with the sled on it and go load all the bags and sleeping bags in the truck. We started doing so, my brother was driving like 3 mph and I was standing on the back of the sled making sure nothing fell off. When we pulled into the parking lot a female DNR officer came over and started yelling at us and telling us we were in trouble. She gave me a ticket for no helmet and my brother 3 tickets for helmet, no operators license and expired sled registration. This sled stayed at the cabin and on private property at all times so the owner had not registered it yet that year.

Needless to say my dad took us out of school to go to court and fight the 500+ dollars in tickets. When we got there we saw the prosecuting attorney was our neighbor and nice guy. He laughed when we told him about what happened and he basically told the judge it was all ridiculous and that the DNR officer was a crazy power hungry b****. The judge threw out all the tickets.
Apr 1, 2002
Sandy, UT
Nobody likes seeing thier kids treated badly and we want to protect them from everything.

There are law enforcement officers (DNR, HIghway Patrol, Sheriff's Dept and City) that may abuse thier authority. They are hired to do a job and that is inforce the law.

Almost all the above posts above come from BREAKING THE LAW and then getting caught. You put yourself (your kids) in that postition. Don't blame someone else. The last time I checked the laws applied to all, not just the ones we want to follow.


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Aug 28, 2001
Never once did I say I didn't deserve the ticket. I'm fine paying the ticket. To make a kid stay there while I run back to the truck after he already has my name address and phone number because "I might not come back" is insane. If you read my post the DNR let him ride for the day after giving me the ticket so its obvious they really don't even care if he is braking the law, so don't say the are there to enforce the law. They are there to write tickets that's it. To treat my kids like they did is the problem. That is not enforcing the law, its being a jackass.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
Never once did I say I didn't deserve the ticket. I'm fine paying the ticket. To make a kid stay there while I run back to the truck after he already has my name address and phone number because "I might not come back" is insane. If you read my post the DNR let him ride for the day after giving me the ticket so its obvious they really don't even care if he is braking the law, so don't say the are there to enforce the law. They are there to write tickets that's it. To treat my kids like they did is the problem. That is not enforcing the law, its being a jackass.

Just to update I asked around....In the state of Utah you have to be 8 Years old to operate an OHV on state trails or roads. as of 2009.
Feb 7, 2013
Utah Valley
Just to clarify, it's not just roads and trails, but all public lands. Also, from ages 8-15 they have to complete an education course to be legal as well.

"Your safety is our number one concern. Utah law requires youth, ages eight to 15 (or until they get their state issued driver license), to complete a Utah State Parks and Recreation off-highway vehicle (OHV) or snowmobile education course before operating on public lands, roads or trails. It is illegal for any child under the age of eight to operate an OHV or a snowmobile on any public land."


Nov 26, 2007
I guarantee the first time one of them tells me i cant take my little girl with me however far it may be and leave her with them i will be sitting in the jail house there isnt anyone going to make me leave my kid behind


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Jan 19, 2008
Ogden, Utah
I guarantee the first time one of them tells me i cant take my little girl with me however far it may be and leave her with them i will be sitting in the jail house there isnt anyone going to make me leave my kid behind

And especially with some strangers who obviously don't give a sh@t about harassing and intimidating them. Law or no law, no one will treat my kids like that.
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