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GET FACTS STRAIGHT! Snowest Misleading Readers about Cooke City.

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
mthood - I couldn't have said it better. Thanks

XTC, yes we need to band together. You however have aligned with people who DO NOT RIDE. Your alliance is with people that are driven monetarily and NOT what is best for Cooke City but what is best for business and pocketbooks.

I challenge you, as has Summithd to go talk to Exxon (again pm with an email and I will send you Rick's letter), Antler's, Sinclair, Asplund Enterprises, Jackson's Outfitting, and the other residents who know what will happen to our mecca if you open the road. Also, please go back and read the post that has the agenda and minutes from the May 2011 meeting - read those letters.

All these motels want this open to put heads to beds, not preserve our riding. Please, see the forest through the trees. The economy is down everywhere not just Cooke. Don't push this hasty decision through because someone has pulled on your heart strings for sympathy, please.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
The only one pulling at my heart strings and my wallet is my son, who is the American Legion State Oratorical winner and has an incredible speech about the US Constitution. What I have been saying is all part of the First Amendment; Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Protest, and Freedom to Petition.

I applaud those that drafted and signed the letter for exercising this right. It does not matter whether I agree or not; they saw a perceived problem and acted on it. They got the discussion going. Now comes the Freedom of Speech which we have all exercised here; both good and bad. A lot of facts have come to light since the intial letter was written. I am not sure that everyone still agrees that signed the letter. Just like the 55 men who drafted the constitution decided the original Articles of Confederation would not work and they basically overthrew the government by creating the US Constitution.

So now that this issue has been brought to light and studied, obviously more study is needed too, people are able to make a more informed decision. This will most likely come down to a vote of all the residents. Probably a very historic vote at that, since I figure there will be at least a 99% turn out. The residents will decide what is best for the town. Regardless of how I feel, I will respect that decision and do what I can to not let snowmobiling in Cooke go away.

I am not going to stop staying at the Alpine or eating at Buns and Beds because they chose to enact their rights as citizens of this great nation and stand up for their beliefs. It does not matter whether I agree with their beliefs or not, I have no real say in this matter; it is the citizens of Cooke City who will decide their fate.

I also applaud you for standing up for your beliefs and having the guts to adimately defend those beliefs. Through this entire process, I believe that each and every person that has a vote in this will hopefully make their decision based on the facts and not on as you say the pulling of heart strings.

So now I hope that you see where my point of view was. It is in the process, the democratic process that this great nation offers us. And as I have said, I come in through the park, I don't need the road plowed. I don't want snowmobiling in Cooke to go away or change. But the citizens of Cooke City have the duty and the right to do what they deem best for their town and we have the duty to respect that right and their decisions on this and other matters.

I am not near as inspiring as my son, but it was a good go of it. It is not worth my work or home time to keep reiterating the right and obligation to vote and the obligation to respect that vote.

You can't top that one boyz.


Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
XTC, whatever you're smoking, get me some!

Anyway, does anyone know the process for this town changing proposal? When is the next meeting? When will an actual vote take place? Does anyone have any insight on this?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
And is it the residents/land owners who will get to vote on this? Or are we at the mercy of multiple govt. agencies making this decision, loosely based on input from the people?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
God, I hope the people have the ultimate say. But then again does the government of today follow the US Constitution............

Not smoking anything. Just a very proud mom of a very inspiring son. Just wait, I have to sit through 3 rounds of great speeches at Nationals in Indy next month. I am hoping he wins, even 3rd would be great. 18K, 16K, and 14K in scholorships. He wants to go to Carroll which is $24K per year. I better buy a few lottery tickets today, too.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
A survey was sent out to all residents and tax payers in Cooke City. If I recall they had to be returned by 3/28 (or about). That is the first step to see if it is even worth going any further.

Sad thing, how much $ did this survey cost us as tax payers. It was performed by Montana State University Extension office and Park County. While it was a "grant", no money is free. For a few people, we all as tax payers are paying the burden for this.

Any questions why are goverment is in debt.

Anyone that hasn't read the agenda/notes from the May 2011 needs to. EIS to even consider an alternate trail on highway 212 is 3-5 years. If they somehow get this road plowed sooner, do you think we will get an EIS/trail passed...I doubt it. Additionally, there are reports on the revenue that is brought in from snowmobilers both in sticker sales (that will be lost) in addition to how much they spend. This is a known, proven revenue for these people.

Again, everything needs to be in place (parking, plowing, sewage, etc) before any knee jerk reactions are made. WE WILL LOSE if this happens. Don't let a few people get this done, or we will all utlimately suffer for a few.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
I want elves that's run down the middle of main st... I want rainbows everyday.. I want miller rd widened... I want the soda butte serving free beer.. I want there to be old fashioned duals that are moderated by said elves.. Most of all I want sleigh rides with bells


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Here is Rick's letter everyone should read it. Rick is not fly by night trying to make a quick buck. He is committed to Cooke City as a whole. Some of the people that others want to back do nothing for the town unless it benefits them financially.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Notice I said some, not all, that are for plowing only do things in Cooke if they benefit financially. Some of these people that are for the plowing do put in a lot of time on boards, S&R, etc. And, I thank them for that.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
mt hood, you are asking for the world there. Hell I just want some ranch dressing at the Miner's for my fries.

(I don't have to worry about that anymore though as Raz supports plowing)


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
mt hood, you are asking for the world there. Hell I just want some ranch dressing at the Miner's for my fries.

(I don't have to worry about that anymore though as Raz supports plowing)

Better luck at winning the Mega lotto than getting ranch there...all because he does not like ranch??


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
How about this one. Stayed at the Alpine, it was fairly early so I just let the dog out the door to go before I got dressed and headed out the door. I am calling her and she is having selective hearing. I look over to the Miners and I am getting the strangest of looks. She finally comes and we go in. Go to donate some hood tie downs for the pig roast and auction for S&R. It was at the Miners that year. Raz introduces himself and is still giving me a slightly weird look. I totally bust out laughing my _____ off. Now I am getting that strange look again. I apologize and explain that my dog's name is Razz. He smiled, but was not that amused by it. I am still amused by it.

Well it was funnier than the post sounds.

Khogan, thanx for posting the letter. I really hope that we can get all the information out there so that everyone can make an informed decision.

A thought, with Robert's new business venture, I doubt he wants the road plowed now.
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Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
Unofficial results of the survey:
no change in the road 49.6%
road open year round 26%
Hope this is finally put to bed. It won't, they will be back. Just like the huggers.


Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
Unofficial results of the survey:
no change in the road 49.6%
road open year round 26%
Hope this is finally put to bed. It won't, they will be back. Just like the huggers.
Trying to keep ahead of the Iowa max post. Sorry guys.
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