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GET FACTS STRAIGHT! Snowest Misleading Readers about Cooke City.

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Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
this plow no plow discussion has taken on the same time worn counterpoints that have raged for ever in western develpment"

1. you live in the big city and its to your personal advantage to keep the small town folks dumb, redneck, quaint, and hungry so the haves can drop in when convient, soak up a little local color when it pleases, throw the folks a few crumbs and pearls of wisdom ...........and when the haves are done, go back to good people, better whiskey and a got bath.

2 Its how Conneticut feels about Montana. Quaint place Montana, cowboys that will take you to the woods for peanuts. Rednecks in a trailer house or three bedroom hovel and a turbo Yamaha in he front yard. People that fish with worms instead of paying attention to wall street invesments.

3. Plowing money ?? thats not even funny, An EIS on plowing a road.........well orchestrated small time beaucratic govenemental peon blackmail. If the money people in the glass towers want it, Alaska will be all lawn tennis courts. Cost, not an issue.

4. Cooke city..........suck it up. You're a warm wash cloth for our face when it pleases. Money for you...........just who the heck do you think you are ? When you're toooo broke and leave, another sucker will show, new homesteader born every minute, you know we say..........poor people have poor ways.



Active member
Premium Member
Dec 2, 2007
Valley City, ND
this plow no plow discussion has taken on the same time worn counterpoints that have raged for ever in western develpment"

1. you live in the big city and its to your personal advantage to keep the small town folks dumb, redneck, quaint, and hungry so the haves can drop in when convient, soak up a little local color when it pleases, throw the folks a few crumbs and pearls of wisdom ...........and when the haves are done, go back to good people, better whiskey and a got bath.

2 Its how Conneticut feels about Montana. Quaint place Montana, cowboys that will take you to the woods for peanuts. Rednecks in a trailer house or three bedroom hovel and a turbo Yamaha in he front yard. People that fish with worms instead of paying attention to wall street invesments.

3. Plowing money ?? thats not even funny, An EIS on plowing a road.........well orchestrated small time beaucratic govenemental peon blackmail. If the money people in the glass towers want it, Alaska will be all lawn tennis courts. Cost, not an issue.

4. Cooke city..........suck it up. You're a warm wash cloth for our face when it pleases. Money for you...........just who the heck do you think you are ? When you're toooo broke and leave, another sucker will show, new homesteader born every minute, you know we say..........poor people have poor ways.

I am not for, or against this plowing issue, just getting informed as I've ridden in on this highway many times.
You're post had zero facts about this issue. If you think you are better than someone else because of where you live, you are wrong.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
WOW! I just finished reading all four pages on this issue. Being that we have been to Cooke City many times from the east on once from the west I had always said, WHY IN THE HECK DON'T THEY PLOW THIS STUPID ROAD?
Well now I see the logic in this decision. I thank everyone for bringing up civilized points of view!
Now please correct me if I am wrong here.
If they plow the road from Cooke City to the Chief Joesph HWY. The trail will be gone and the west entrance will only be open to the residents of Cooke City, and tours buses?

PS. After reading this an a lot of other forums I am glad to see that us flat landers don't bash the mountain riders like we get bashed (by a small minority) for "tracking up their riding areas":moon: $.02


Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 13, 2001
Fairview, MT
Well, I only read the first page and last, but from my prospective, I'd go to Cooke a few more times a winter if that last 10 mi. were plowed, it sucks having to leave everything behind in your truck, I like to have access to tools and spare parts if needed, would be a bonus to be able to drive into town, just like I do when going to the Big Horns, which is where we go the majority of the time for the reasons stated above. Some of the time, avy conditions play a big part, as I don't want to expose my son to potentially life threatening snow conditions.
I'm with LSB, thanks for trying,hang in there!


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
Gods Country
This hits the NAIL ON THE HEAD!!
thanks TRS

Plowing the proposed stretch of 212 will end snowmobiling in the Cooke City/Beartooth region. All of us have lost countless areas to ride. Ask yourself, do we really want to loose this gem of the snowmobile world????? Stand up for your passion, there is no room for compromise. We have been kicked around long enough. Those that support the plowing do not share the passion that you do for our sport. When they can fill their rooms and booths with wolf watchers we will loose. Plowing the road will allow the tour buss' client to push us out.


Nov 30, 2007
North Dakota
Well, I only read the first page and last, but from my prospective, I'd go to Cooke a few more times a winter if that last 10 mi. were plowed, it sucks having to leave everything behind in your truck, I like to have access to tools and spare parts if needed, would be a bonus to be able to drive into town, just like I do when going to the Big Horns, which is where we go the majority of the time for the reasons stated above. Some of the time, avy conditions play a big part, as I don't want to expose my son to potentially life threatening snow conditions.
I'm with LSB, thanks for trying,hang in there!

You are able to drive into town currently. Go through the park like the rest of us do.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
this plow no plow discussion has taken on the same time worn counterpoints that have raged for ever in western develpment"

1. you live in the big city and its to your personal advantage to keep the small town folks dumb, redneck, quaint, and hungry so the haves can drop in when convient, soak up a little local color when it pleases, throw the folks a few crumbs and pearls of wisdom ...........and when the haves are done, go back to good people, better whiskey and a got bath.

2 Its how Conneticut feels about Montana. Quaint place Montana, cowboys that will take you to the woods for peanuts. Rednecks in a trailer house or three bedroom hovel and a turbo Yamaha in he front yard. People that fish with worms instead of paying attention to wall street invesments.

3. Plowing money ?? thats not even funny, An EIS on plowing a road.........well orchestrated small time beaucratic govenemental peon blackmail. If the money people in the glass towers want it, Alaska will be all lawn tennis courts. Cost, not an issue.

4. Cooke city..........suck it up. You're a warm wash cloth for our face when it pleases. Money for you...........just who the heck do you think you are ? When you're toooo broke and leave, another sucker will show, new homesteader born every minute, you know we say..........poor people have poor ways.


You live in the West!!! What big city dweller burned you?

The people that live in Cooke are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They will go above and beyond for anyone. Tourism is pretty much the main cash flow for the town and they need to do what they feel is best to keep winter tourism up. Yes, they provide a service, but they are not doormats that you wipe your feet on. They are hard working, loving, and caring people that choose to live in one of God's greatest areas.

I need to run, but if I ever meet the redneck _______ ________ that wrote this, I will finish the not so nice part of my rant.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.

Being a resident of MN I have no say in this, and my opinion means nothing to an opposing view. I HAVE READ all of the posts, and the letter from Rick Sommers three times. I have personally talked with, and have had communicated with, business owners, and non-business owners on this issue.
Does this make me an expert? Of course not.
In the past I have been in favor of plowing the road, not anymore.
Personally for us, not plowing the road will not stop us from coming to Cooke City 2-3 times per season, never has.
Thanks to everyone (that have no financial gain) in keeping the snowmobiling as good as it is.




Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Cooke does not need it...

Imagine a Cooke city where you can't drive your sled down main st??


Don't Support the plwing.

Not saying that will happen but an increased wolf watching element is not gonna help maintain what we already have. Take two groups that are polar opposites and have there issues come to head in cooke city and face it... Something will change and if history is any indicator we will probably be on the losing side..

On a side note my goal in life is to live and work in Cooke City. My goal is to earn 20k a year.. The one business I have looked at closely grosses 90 every year for the last 3 years. 18k in utilities, 3k in taxes and ur mortgage. So wait that like 35k in my pocket. Yet this as well as other businesses are for sale. I think people from outside bring there big money and expect big money in return. I also think these people could and should be happy with what they have and maybe just maybe stop extending themselves so much to improve their goddamn sales. Slim and trim wins the longevity war and hacking your way through the forest to see what comes in from the other side iz not something I will ever support..

Now the cell phone tower thats a different issue and I look forward to beating that one to chit as well... Maybe we should just start a new thread so the bashings can begin.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Bob signed it?

Lets hear from Bob and Robert. They read and post here all the time. They send clients from their establishments to the Top of the World. They signed the letter to plow the road??????

Bob reallly? Wow I had hoped differently I suppose. Maybe he just wants to be able to more easily get bak to Nebraska. I think his fam is there and such. However, its interesting to me that he supports the plowing. I think the proposed cell tower was gonna go on his property. Would he gain financially from that?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Bob reallly? Wow I had hoped differently I suppose. Maybe he just wants to be able to more easily get bak to Nebraska. I think his fam is there and such. However, its interesting to me that he supports the plowing. I think the proposed cell tower was gonna go on his property. Would he gain financially from that?
I talked to Bear Claw Bob about this. He didn't reveal to me anyway on what is opinion was. He was only interested in my point of view.
Who's Robert.
Can someone from Cooke City, or ties to Cooke City, start a new thread on cell phone service in Cooke?? Anyone??


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
I talked to Bear Claw Bob about this. He didn't reveal to me anyway on what is opinion was. He was only interested in my point of view.
Who's Robert.
Can someone from Cooke City, or ties to Cooke City, start a new thread on cell phone service in Cooke?? Anyone??



Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
If I can pull it up, I will post the letter that the supporters signed. You will be suprised at the signators.
Yes, Bob signed it.
Robert is/or was heading up the Chamber.
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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Good document

If I can pull it up, I will post the letter that the supporters signed. You will be suprised at the signators.
Yes, Bob signed it.
Robert is/or was heading up the Chamber.


This .pdf really sheds some light on the situation. It's 55 pgs long but there is a a lot of info. A very interesting interaction I saw questioning the viability of alternative snowmobile trails should the road get plowed. There were immediate issues mentioned about some sort of lynx. So you can bet ur butt that if the road gets plowed we would have our work cut out to get alternative access approved as leaf lickers already have some ammo from what I can see.

Also here is a question asked in reference to an alternative access trail.

Q: Would the Pass be closed if unpassable if it was plowed year round? A: Yes, it would be closed. Q: Is there enough right of way in MT in WY for an alternate trail along the Highway? A: John, MT DOT “I don’t know”. Ron, WY DOT, “No, it wouldn’t be safe”.



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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Interesting stuff here!

Interaction between a Cooke city resident and the mt dot...

Robert Weinstein to Jon, MT DOT Q: Is a federally funded highway legally need to be kept open? For example as the closing of 191 and the lawsuit over closing during construction. A: John was not aware of any laws stating that a federally funded road must remain open. He stated that 191 was re‐opened once the construction was complete, not before. Iobst stated that this is a complex question aas many types of roads receive federal funding whether County, State or Federal. NPS does close federally or state funded roads without jurisdiction. Robert to Root: Q: Is it not looking possible now that the alternate trail be possible even with the consideration of the Canadian lynx. A: There is no guarantee that any trail system can be built until the NEPA process is complete. This NEPA process would not just pertain to WY BUT would be coordinated with both forests in one document on a federal basis. The EA (environmental analysis) of the forest would look around at alternatives.

One great idea IMO is to open the road to west yellow and see what kind of boost that gives.. You probably would see more people linking trips to both towns wolf watchers and sledders alike. Wyoming still gets to sell permits and no trails are rerouted.
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Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
Here is the letter.
In regards to the closing of the three business'. Call them for their perspective. I don't see their names attached to this document.

rebuttal pg 1 001.jpg rebuttal pg 2 001.jpg rebuttal pg 3 001.jpg
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