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Riding partners.


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Feb 17, 2008
It depends on what kind of riding we will be doing if it mainly trails and and meadows no slope I am pretty open to anyone but if it going into avy terrain then it changes everything. They must be avy educated and have COMMON SENSE. Choosing a riding partner that you trust your life with is very serious. I like to ride with new people and get a feel for their ability and I am sure it works both ways. There is level of trust and respect that must be earned on the hill. The internet has hooked up lots of good riders from different parts of the country. Its hard to trust someone that says there aware of dangers of mt riding. One of the best things I found to see if they are prepared is to have everyone thats going to ride is to dump out there backpack and see whats in it. Avy gear is a must but how many own a good compass and know how to use it. The new tech gps or spots are good but don't trust them. Fire is next huge item .


Enduring the heat till Braap Season
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Jul 4, 2001
Rigby, Idaho
I forgot to ad that they have to not be afraid to get stuck.

I don't consider it a GOOD ride unless everyone has been stuck at least once.
Jun 11, 2006
Graham, Wa
i like taking hot women on rides that never have been. the ones who complain/cry/talkchitliketheyhateit, ill just take them to a nice lookout, with a gorgeous view, and push them over the edge and GTFO of there. ;)

the nice ones who love it, will be coming along more rides till i find "the one" :)


Well-known member
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Jan 2, 2008
The tall mountains of north America.
i like taking hot women on rides that never have been. the ones who complain/cry/talkchitliketheyhateit, ill just take them to a nice lookout, with a gorgeous view, and push them over the edge and GTFO of there. ;)

the nice ones who love it, will be coming along more rides till i find "the one" :)

Creepy #1..... Really??? Is this necessary???
Jun 11, 2006
Graham, Wa
I forgot to ad that they have to not be afraid to get stuck.

I don't consider it a GOOD ride unless everyone has been stuck at least once.

is there such thing as getting stuck too much? ill always help dig my riding buddies out, but id much rather be riding than digging people out ALL day. me and my dad took a group of 6 newbies out a few years ago, we broke trail, and we were literally getting people unstuck for a good 4 hrs straight. theyd get stuck within 50 ft. over and over and over. NOT a fun day.
Oct 31, 2010
Bozeman MT
I agree with turbo lover on both of his posts, kids and all. getting stuck is part of the game we all learn somewhere and besides you find out who good buds are cause they help no matter what. and you find out which newbies really like riding cause they come back for more but I always try to make sure everyone enjoys their ride the more in our community of riders the better for our sport!


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Feb 17, 2008
After an hour of riding a good leader should be able to figure the level of the group. Getting stuck is fun but not all day a good way to detour new riders is to ride over there head all day. When newbies come to the sport we need to make sure they have a good time so they stay involved are numbers are small enough.

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
Turbolover I like your attitude. I am new last year to sledding. Wanted to find some motorsport to do with my son and nephew(more like a son). We love the mountains and skiing/snowboarding so it was a great fit. We have had a great time. Gotta be patient with them when the going gets tough. Part of sledding is the misery of it. Bad conditions, bad terrain, broken sleds. My son is really getting it and my nephew needs some more seat time. I have to remember when I am scared they are sh!tt!ng themselves!
The most important thing I look for in riding partners is the ability to suffer with a smile. We had a tough time getting out of a hole yesterday. I try and laugh when I am tired, hungry, hurt and cold. One of my buddies kinda cracked under the pressure yesterday. Not a good scene. My sled ended up IN a tree and I just had to laugh. Not in a tree well, not against a tree but IN the tree. Then it started to rain, harder. Hadda laugh.


Well-known member
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Jul 3, 2001
i like taking hot women on rides that never have been. the ones who complain/cry/talkchitliketheyhateit, ill just take them to a nice lookout, with a gorgeous view, and push them over the edge and GTFO of there. ;)

the nice ones who love it, will be coming along more rides till i find "the one" :)

It is a good thing you never met my daughter, I am sure she would have pushed you over the edge, then highmarked your landing.


Enduring the heat till Braap Season
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 4, 2001
Rigby, Idaho
Turbolover I like your attitude. I am new last year to sledding. Wanted to find some motorsport to do with my son and nephew(more like a son). We love the mountains and skiing/snowboarding so it was a great fit. We have had a great time. Gotta be patient with them when the going gets tough. Part of sledding is the misery of it. Bad conditions, bad terrain, broken sleds. My son is really getting it and my nephew needs some more seat time. I have to remember when I am scared they are sh!tt!ng themselves!
The most important thing I look for in riding partners is the ability to suffer with a smile. We had a tough time getting out of a hole yesterday. I try and laugh when I am tired, hungry, hurt and cold. One of my buddies kinda cracked under the pressure yesterday. Not a good scene. My sled ended up IN a tree and I just had to laugh. Not in a tree well, not against a tree but IN the tree. Then it started to rain, harder. Hadda laugh.

I went riding Saturday with some guys I have been riding with several times before and a newer rider that I hadn't ridden with.
We were going to take one route and one of our group was on his second ride on a new sled. We came to a pretty good side hill and I scooted across the probably 200 yard sidehill. I looked back and here came the new guy working it along doing pretty good. I was quite impressed as he said he had just gotten into sledding last year.:face-icon-small-ton

The other guy on his second ride new sled. Just didn't have the confidence he needed to hold the line and talked himself out of it after getting part way committed.

No problem, it would have sucked but I was already half way back with shovels in hand to make a path to get him across. He didn't want to dump his sled into the trees below and have to explain wrecking the new sled. Still no problem. New guy and I turned around and dropped down off the hill through some trees and popped out on the trail.

WAIT! Where's new guy? After heading back up I find him in a tree. Only thing I said to him was "You were looking at it weren't you?"

After sawing several branches off and alot of digging we had him out and off we went. We went to another area that had some great rolling hills and open meadows to play on and let them work on their sidehilling. By the end of the day both of em were sidehilling like a couple of maniacs.

We didn't go where we intended but we adjusted plans according to our group and had fun. To me all that mattered was that we all learned something, I had a great time with some new and familiar rding buds and we all made it back in one piece.

Thanks guys, it was fun.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2001
i ride with gramma.

Hey, I rode with her a few times too! :face-icon-small-ton

When I first moved to a new place, I found some random dude on the interweb (hint: it's snowmobiler) who said he'd take me riding and show me the area. What I didn't know was that his parent's had started the local riding club DECADES earlier and the fella knew every nook-and-cranny of the mountains. Made for a few years of the best riding of my life, following some guy through the trees to honey-holes with untouched pow. God I hate Texas...


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
hey rmk7sledhead,
last week:)

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