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Grooming 101 For Whiners


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
So, I'll try and keep this short but bear with me at times as I rant. There have been some complainers on certain sites, whining about the condition of the groomed trails up to Owlshead and Blue Lake. For those not in the loop, they're looked after by the Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club in Sicamous. Quick history lesson, when I started sledding in this area in 2008 the Club was hooped, but was brought back to life by Bruce Moores who took over the grooming aspect and now Gord Bushell who has kept up with the excellent program.

I went up the trail this AM for a test, and a ride, to see WTF the problem is. Looking at the Club website, it was just groomed last night (3rd). The Club has a policy of trying to groom at night so the trail will "set up" for the following day. Me, being the first one on the trail, it was like a paved hwy. Now with that said, the first 1.5 km was rougher, but for those who know anything about the snow cat that does the work, it has metal cleats on its rubber tracks, these cleats are also known as grousers. I don't know if anyone but me noticed (being the retired groomer I am) but the track cleats were digging up dirt in that first km and change, because there is not enough snow, hello! Again, for anyone who pays attention, you'd notice that as you get higher up, you get more snow, duh, and the trail is groomed right flat because of this. I took the trail all the way to Blue Lk, flat as a pancake and in fact I went "off trail" a few times to grab a little extra snow! Which brings up another point, there isn't always a 4 lane hwy up the trails, there are spots that the groomer will only do a single lane, leaving some of this "off trail" snow so you can go and grab a little extra snow sometimes, how's that for courteous!

Now comes my point, finally, I did my quicky trip up around Blue and down to Cummings Lake and back down the trail, I passed only 8 sleds between Blue and the Owl's turnoff. The trail was in "like new" shape the entire way to this turnoff, pretty simple to tell no one was dicking around and ripping the new fricking snow up. Oh ya, did you know that snow is in fact soft and can be ripped up by morons that pin their throttle open, on and off, ya, that happens. Anyways, at the Owls's turnoff there had to be 20 machines, including quite a few snow bikes. As I went past them the first thing I noticed is that the trail was already getting rougher than when I came up, corners blown out in some areas and other areas skinned right flat and shiny. With that said, 3 snow bikes went by me, one with a rooster tail that looked like something out of a jet boat! Further down the trail were another 15 or so machines, and the trail got rougher yet, to the point where unless you had a SkiDoo XM you would have had to stand up! Near the bottom but especially that last 2 km it was brutal, duh!

Unc Gord and the trail pass gal just happened to be at the bottom of the hill when I got down, and I asked how many sleds had gone up. The number was 58. And you whiners wonder why after a 100 sleds the trail is rough??? Really? What the hell do you expect, especially when you get morons tearing the crap out of a newly groomed trail! Sure, we all want to have fun but don't go blasting the Club with your BS about wanting a refund or that they're expected to groom just when you decide to get your sorry *** outta bed at noon, give it a break! You say you "won't come back there" well, as far as I'm concerned that's great, at least our trails will stay in better shape! For you that say "well if it weren't for us Albertan's your town wouldn't exist", you can go find another hill too, because those Albertan's that truly support the town and Club don't have anything that even resembles that moronic attitude. Unc Gord is going to be posting a "for real" Grooming 101 that explains just what's going on with the groomer and the drag when they do the trails, maybe the whiners should give it a read in-between their complaining and paying for our town! Hats off to the EVS Club, the grooming guys (Glenn, Ken and Gord), Unc Gord and all those others that work/volunteer with the Club for running a class act, keep up the great work....... Sherm


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
For what's it worth I always think you guys do great especially compared to what we get in Washington. I have made a couple trips into eagles where I wasn't happy about paying twenty bucks for the beating I took but its always worth it. The guys complaining probably the idiots tearing up the trail!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
My question to anyone who has ever whined about trail conditions anywhere is...
Have you ever donated to the trail fund?
Have you ever volunteered your time to help with the trail?
If not, then shut your worthless pie hole before someone comes along and shuts it for you.
Nov 27, 2013
Mountain States
People who want perfect trail,conditions need to wake up early. Once the traffic has begun the trails are no longer perfect...Similar to snow skiing you want perfect groomers wake up early and stop complaining.



Well-known member
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Jun 2, 2008
Beautiful Colorado
If every guy would just take it a little easier on the trails it would benefit everyone. I don't think I've ever seen a freshly groomed trail that was unacceptably rough. Only after the sleds go through is that the case.


Well-known member
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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
Where can I send my money to have the grooming stopped? I don't need a highway to get to where I'm going and it just brings more Mtr's up into our riding area's. Leave the grooming for lake and resort area's. Bumpy trails keep the masses away!!!

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Ace Freely

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 6, 2002
Wenatchee, WA
Sherm, I've ridden up there, leaving early in the am, and was impressed by the grooming effort that your club puts fourth! We GLADLY forked over the 20 bucks! Please pass on that this yank says Thank you to those that run the grooming!

Nov 10, 2010
Much respect to groomer operators and clubs that organize backcountry acess. I pay 150$ CAD for a pass to all of goodness in Golden BC. I think that is money well spent and they do an amazing job.
Season pass at the moto track is $550 and it gets bumpy sometimes, no body complains much ;)


Well-known member
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2010
Northern Idaho
There are some very good points made in the comments above. Grooming is very expensive. We have a large number of riders from out of the area here that complain about how rough the trails are but do not buy the groomer stickers. This is a sport where you gotta pay to play. People will pay $12,000 for a sled and complain about $20 for a groomer sticker. My hat's off to all of the groomer operators out there, it is a thankless job or in some cases volunteer effort.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2007
Kamloops B.C.
Where can I send my money to have the grooming stopped? I don't need a highway to get to where I'm going and it just brings more Mtr's up into our riding area's. Leave the grooming for lake and resort area's. Bumpy trails keep the masses away!!!


Ah the good ol' days. No need to pack gas. Ride up was a warm up to untouched all day.
Ride down was a good burn to remember the day.

Sherm. Do you remember Sicamous before grooming lol? Fewer whiners.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Im glad you posted this, thank you. Similar things have been going around up here for us in Kakwa, Most people don't seem to know that the groomer needs atleast 3-4 ft of snow out here before it can even continue on towards the lake, because the willows and rocks etc. Complaints about the lack of trail grooming.. well look there's no fricken snow!!
Also I remember the days when the trail would stay nice groomed and slightly rough coming back, 75 camps at most. Last season there were over 150 camps, not only machines capable of wrecking the trail but the amount of people that now come out has exploded. Sometimes people cant always be there to collect trail passes so it is a donation type of deal, Someone Broke into the deposit box and stole all the money last year, aswell as people vandalized the groomer, broken glass, stolen fuel, shot at it. Im sorry to say it but thanks to all them sledding movies, now every retard has to come to the mountains and ruin it for the honest people who have been supporting and taking care of these riding areas. The industry has gotten better in some ways but now its not such a small secretive get away anymore. For me snowmobiling has been ruined over the last 3 years.
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