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Wyoming man hits wolf with snowmobile and proceeds to parade it around.


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Eyewitness describes wolf’s final hours in a rural Wyoming bar​

Bar patron who first alerted authorities that Cody Roberts had a gravely injured wolf in his possession describes what happened when he brought the muzzled predator into the Green River Bar.
Mike Koshmrl, WyoFile3:59 AM MDT on Apr 16, 2024

This story includes photographs and a short video clip of a gravely-injured wolf that may be upsetting to some readers.

Cody Roberts walked into the Green River Bar joking that he’d found a lost cattle dog. The woman tending bar that evening seemed to know what would happen next.

“The bartender goes, ‘Cody, you better not bring in a ****ing lion,’” an eyewitness recalled. “She knew he was going to bring something in that was not a dog.”

Roberts didn’t listen. It wasn’t a dog and it wasn’t a lion, but moments later he reappeared with a muzzled, leashed wolf — an animal that wanted nothing to do with the Green River Bar.

“It didn’t want to go,” the bar patron recalled. “Like you know when your dog doesn’t want to go to the vet?”

The 42-year-old resident of the small western Wyoming town of Daniel muscled the animal inside. The gravely injured wild wolf remained in the rowdy tavern for hours thereafter.
a bar with a Jeep parked in front
The Green River Bar in Daniel, Wyoming, pictured in April. (Mike Koshmrl, WyoFile)

Videos show the injured, muzzled animal in a bar​

Wyoming, and the rest of the world, wouldn’t learn of Roberts and the wolf for a month. Since then, the allegations against Roberts — that he ran down the wolf on a snowmobile, taped the injured animal’s mouth shut and showed it off at the bar before killing it — have become international news. Authorities have released few details about what happened beyond two short videos and a citation that showed he was fined $250 for possessing a live wolf.

This account of what happened at the Green River Bar on Feb. 29 comes from an eyewitness to whom WyoFile has granted anonymity. The person, who was at the bar that night and later alerted authorities to what had occurred, is being left nameless at their request for their own safety. The worldwide outrage over this incidence of animal abuse has generated rampant death threatseven toward those who had nothing to do with it.
The eyewitness provided WyoFile with videos from that night which corroborated their account.

Patrons of the Green River Bar had a mixed response to a wolf in their midst, the eyewitness recalled. About half of the 30 or so people who came and left the watering hole while the wolf was present that evening appeared to be friends and family of Roberts.

“People were petting it, taking photos of it, hugging on it,” the person recollected. “I want to be clear: He wasn’t kicking or beating or torturing it. The torture was in not putting it down when he ran it over.”

“He was a jokester about it,” the eyewitness added, “while it was just sitting there bleeding to death.”

Because wolves are managed as predators, they can be killed in any manner​

The eyewitness who described the events of Feb. 29 to WyoFile also reported the incident to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. In response to the tip, State wildlife managers began investigating Roberts on March 1, the day after he brought the animal to the bar. By March 4, Roberts and his attorney met with wardens Adam Hymas and Bubba Haley, during which time he admitted to possessing the live wolf at both his home and a private business, according to legal documents WyoFile acquired through the Wyoming Public Records Act.

During the night at the Green River Bar, the eyewitness did not hear Roberts brag about how or when he acquired the wolf.
A muzzled wolf on the floor of a bar
A screenshot taken from video evidence collected by Wyoming Game and Fish during the investigation into Cody Roberts, a Wyoming man who was fined $250 for possessing a live wolf. (Wyoming Game and Fish)

But through subsequent communication with a Game and Fish staffer after the tip, the eyewitness was told that Cody Roberts admitted to running it over with a snowmobile. He “injured it so bad it could barely stay conscious,” one state employee told the eyewitness.

Roberts ran down the wolf in an area where Wyoming manages wolves as a “predator” — a zone covering 85% of the state in which there are virtually no regulations on how wolves can be killed. Bludgeoning wolves with snowmobiles here is legal.

Wolf biologist Doug Smith, recently retired from a decades-long tenure at Yellowstone National Park, has reviewed the footage of the wolf in the Green River Bar. Smith was confident the wolf was a yearling born in 2023, which means it would have been about 9 months old by late February. The retired biologist had a read on the animal’s behavior.

“It’s recovering from severe injury, and it’s probably got internal organ damage,” Smith told WyoFile. “The fact that this wolf should be freaking out — and it’s not — indicates it’s in pain and badly injured.”

It’s not always obvious when a wolf is dying from internal injuries, Smith said.

“Having necropsied wolves that have been kicked to death by elk,” he said, “it’s hard to tell externally that they suffered any damage and trauma.”

Roberts could not be reached for an interview. He declined to speak with Emily Cohen, the reporter for community radio station KHOL, who first broke the story, and could not be located when a WyoFile reporter tried to interview him at his home.

Upset patrons said nothing, but left the bar​

In the eyewitness’ opinion, Roberts, who runs a trucking company, thought the entire episode was hilarious.

“I don’t know if he’s literally low-IQ, and just doesn’t get that this ****’s not OK,” the eyewitness said. “He was drunk and rambling mostly. A guy who thinks highly of himself.”

After Roberts initially ignored the bar owner, she “didn’t waste her breath” and did not ask the Daniel man to leave or remove the wolf. The eyewitness could tell that the Green River Bar’s owner, who worked solo that night, “was not OK with it,” but was in a tough spot.

“His family were half the patrons at the bar that night,” the eyewitness said. “What are you going to do, kick the whole bar out and close up for the night?”

WyoFile’s attempts to reach the bar owner for an interview were unsuccessful.
An injured wolf laying on the floor of a bar
A screenshot taken from video evidence collected by Wyoming Game and Fish during the investigation into Cody Roberts, a Wyoming man who was fined $250 for possessing a live wolf. (Wyoming Game and Fish)

Nobody forcefully told Roberts that he needed to put the animal out of its misery during the hours the eyewitness was present. Some patrons were clearly bothered by what was happening, but those folks just removed themselves from the situation and left, the eyewitness said.

Roberts, meanwhile, kept trying to draw attention to his prize.

“By the end of the night, he was calling it a wolf,” the eyewitness said. “He definitely admitted that he put the collars on it.”

In two short video clips of the wolf taken in Green River Bar released by Game and Fish on Wednesday, the prone gray-coated wolf is wearing what appears to be a commercial tracking and shock collar. The eyewitness never saw Roberts shock the dying animal.

The eyewitness left the Green River Bar not knowing what became of the wolf. Later, the witness learned from a Game and Fish staffer that the animal was killed.

A WyoFile reporter heard it was shot behind the Green River Bar when he visited the establishment.

Roberts was fined $250 for illegal possession of warm blooded wildlife, but that was the full extent of the penalty administered by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Subsequently, the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office launched its own investigation, probing Roberts’ actions for potential animal cruelty violations.

The eyewitness, who “loves” Sublette County, regrets how the community’s reputation has been tarnished because of one man’s actions.
“It didn’t need to happen,” the person told WyoFile. “It gives it a bad name. It’s a beautiful place, and there’s great people here. We’re not all Cody Roberts.”

The witness to the tormented, gravely injured wolf also hopes that law enforcement punishes Roberts much more severely so that he and others learn a lesson.

“He’s been going around town telling people it was worth it,” the eyewitness said. “$250? That’s a round for the bar.”

“I would like to see a law that is determined enough to keep people from keeping animals alive when they should not be alive anymore,” the witness added.
A collage of social media posts asking for stronger punishment for the man who killed the wolf.
Allegations that a Wyoming man captured, tortured and killed a wolf have sparked outrage across the world and prompted a wave of social media posts. One image published by Cowboy State Daily purports to show the man, Cody Roberts, posing for a photograph next to a wolf with its jaws taped shut. (Collage by Tennessee Watson, WyoFile)

WyoFile is an independent nonprofit news organization focused on Wyoming people, places and policy.

Type of Story: News Service​

Produced externally by an organization we trust to adhere to high journalistic standards.


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Nov 26, 2007
This story is really gaining traction here in MT, it's been on the morning news for a couple days now. Pretty sure this guys life is going to be very different for a long time.

Sage Crusher

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Dec 30, 2010
Rock Springs,Wyoming
You should try living 80 miles from him- It's very ugly here...But the law is picking this one apart, so far it's just a ugly story / who knows if the dust will just settle after awhile.

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
As angry as I am at him for the irreparable damage he has done to our sport, I don't want him treated unfairly just to make an example. We all make mistakes, and this was a doozy, but nothing worth ruining his or his family's lives over.


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Nov 26, 2007
Oakley, ID
Pets and kids and wives are treated the same daily.
Let’s quit the moral outrage and focus on those instead.


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Oct 5, 2010
Fixed that for you
Fair point.

It’s become meaningless for both parties.

Sheeple need to stop letting it have any effect on their lives.

See through the hypocrisy.

Read from more points of view. (I know you don’t like getting away from the approved MSM narrative)

It’s easy enough for free thinkers to see where actions lead to actual damage to property or people without being caught up in any perceived virtue signaling.
May 2, 2013
me and the mainstream media have zero relationship but that seems to be a struggle for people who operate in their own information bubble to understand. You don't see through hypocrisy, you recognize that it is everywhere and you either complain about it or you work around it.

There is only one point of view and that is the truth. What happened happened and now the spin cycle of outrage is here.

What fascinates me about this, and just happened to listen to a podcast on the subject yesterday, is that all this dude has to do is offer an apology. The outrage cycle ends soon afterwards. Maybe not a moment later but it fades out. It's people's pride, ego, and narcissism that doesn't allow them to just say they are sorry. It's how we end up with these MEGA assholes who lie and spin and blame others when they could just be a decent human being and say I ****ed up and I need help because I can't control myself and I need attention and affirmation from crowds of strangers to make me feel love. Sound familiar? Yeah we know far too many people like that. It's a sickness.


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Oct 5, 2010
me and the mainstream media have zero relationship but that seems to be a struggle for people who operate in their own information bubble to understand. You don't see through hypocrisy, you recognize that it is everywhere and you either complain about it or you work around it.

There is only one point of view and that is the truth. What happened happened and now the spin cycle of outrage is here.

What fascinates me about this, and just happened to listen to a podcast on the subject yesterday, is that all this dude has to do is offer an apology. The outrage cycle ends soon afterwards. Maybe not a moment later but it fades out. It's people's pride, ego, and narcissism that doesn't allow them to just say they are sorry. It's how we end up with these MEGA assholes who lie and spin and blame others when they could just be a decent human being and say I ****ed up and I need help because I can't control myself and I need attention and affirmation from crowds of strangers to make me feel love. Sound familiar? Yeah we know far too many people like that. It's a sickness.
You sure do parrot a lot of the establishment talking points…….

I think if he apologizes the mob eats the guy alive…….

Bow to the mob and they destroy you.
May 2, 2013
You sure do parrot a lot of the establishment talking points…….

I think if he apologizes the mob eats the guy alive…….

Bow to the mob and they destroy you.
Shame to see another person too proud to show any humility. The tough guy act is so transparent. Definitely a trait that might die with the boomers.

Plenty of people (famous or infamous) have apologized to the mob and survived. It's called rebuilding after being "destroyed" Guess it is easier to hold that pride until your death bed. LOL only remembered for being a prick. My grandfather was like that. **** that guy.
May 2, 2013
Must run in the family.
You’re the last guy on here I relate to humility.
I'm sorry.....that I don't care about what you think about me....

LOL you don't know a thing about me that I didn't curate for your consumption. Probably the same way your employees smile when you are around but are happier when you leave.

Sorry again.


Well-known member
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Oct 5, 2010
Shame to see another person too proud to show any humility. The tough guy act is so transparent. Definitely a trait that might die with the boomers.

Plenty of people (famous or infamous) have apologized to the mob and survived. It's called rebuilding after being "destroyed" Guess it is easier to hold that pride until your death bed. LOL only remembered for being a prick. My grandfather was like that. **** that guy.
I don’t think pride is the only reason someone might not “apologize” for something that wouldn’t have been even an odd occurrence 150 years ago.

People can have hurt feelings and hate on the guy all they want.

Still doesn’t make it illegal beyond the “fine” he paid.

It’s just a vicious predator that happens to look a lot like a pet.

Someone puts a piranha in a fishbowl, shows it off then kills it and there’s no stupid news stories or petitions.

Get over it. >>>> (Literally everyone)
May 2, 2013
I don’t think pride is the only reason someone might not “apologize” for something that wouldn’t have been even an odd occurrence 150 years ago.

Get over it. >>>> (Literally everyone)
What a strange point of view. What do you even know about what occurred 150 years ago? You some kind of wild west historian? Cruel people were punished back then as well dummy.

The common house cat is more of a vicious predator than a wolf. If someone took an injured house cat into a bar and left it in the corner to suffer while you appeared to enjoy the attention it gathered him, everyone would be outraged as well. A NORMAL person would either put it out of its misery, called DOW or a vet, or at least shown some sympathy for the animal. The fact that you don't get that makes it seem like you are a sick **** just like this guy. People with sympathy for creatures are outraged that there are people who don't. Get over it yourself.

There is a video floating around today with some dipshits taking bear cubs out of trees and hold them, getting them freaked out, and being dipshits. So they are the newest target for outrage. Thanks to the cellphone and the internet the dipshits that live among us (for at least 150 years) get loads of attention, get the mob pissed off, don't apologize, make excuses, and get forgotten about when the next instance happens.

Don't like it? Get off the internet.


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Nov 3, 2019
The common house cat is more of a vicious predator than a wolf.
Wow! You are truly a special kind of stupid...

I don't think anyone here thinks that this guy was particularly smart in how he went about this deal. Pretty dumb really.

There are WAY bigger problems in this world right now for human beings that should be where the real outrage is directed. If you can't see that, then that says a lot about you.
Jan 2, 2009
Coquitlam, BC
Wow! You are truly a special kind of stupid...

I don't think anyone here thinks that this guy was particularly smart in how he went about this deal. Pretty dumb really.

There are WAY bigger problems in this world right now for human beings that should be where the real outrage is directed. If you can't see that, then that says a lot about you.
You can be outraged at more that one thing at a time. It's called multitasking, you should try it...
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