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Where to Buy P85 clutch with Rotax 1:7,5 taper?

Mar 6, 2008
Northern Sweden
Thinking about getting a P85 or a Comet 108 EXP for my E-tec 800.

I see Whal Bros has re-tapered P85s for sale, are there more companies out there that sell them and are willing to ship overseas?
(obviously looking for the best price but even more important is that the machine shop recutting the taper knows what they are doing, warranties are time consuming and difficult when seller and buyer are separated by the Atlantic)

Just looking at them the P85 looks to be of better quality than the Comet, any comments?

...and I'm thinking of changing because I strongly Believe the P85 to be a better clutch than the TRA. And ever since the TRA with splined connection between outer and inner halves was replaced with the stupid double taper clutch the TRA is not even easier to work on. Being able to quickly knock the outer cheave off and bring it inside was the largest advantage of the older TRA....
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