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saturdays new thread


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
I thought that my back was wrecked yesterday, that was nothing. I can't freakin stand up hardly today. ****, I hate back pain!
Apr 13, 2004
i'm sure theyre lurking, friggginn control freaks....anyway i wnat to tweak a vid for ya dizz......

do ya recommend the quicktime PRO on a PC? i know ya bought a MAC for vids, but can i do the same thing on my PC? if i by the pro SW?

AND WHERE TO GET SOME HIP MUZAC THATS NOT COPYRIGHTED?? where did ya get that rockabilly stuff?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 23, 2005
My wife works for HP she won't let me have a mac. lol

I use Corel Video Pro2 which I really didn't need cause all I do is trim raw video then cross fade the clips together.

I would think WindowMovie maker or whatever comes on the puter would be fine. As long as it can handle the HD stuff.

I have 96gigs of music :eek: when music was free/pirated I would download that stuff like crazy. Then a bunch of us swapped hardrives and shared our music. Plus I have over 1500 cd's.

Just stay away from mainstream bands for the most part and it will let you upload to Youtube. Actually more and more bands are realizing that letting us use thier music on these little vids is free advertising. Notice how there is a link to buy some of the recognized songs at the bottom.

I think to end up with a good vid choose the song first. Then try to edit the footage so that changes are with the beat of the music, or certain turns match up to little riffs in the song.

Also change the camera angles. Nobody wants to watch five minutes of the same angle no matter how sick the riding is.

there you have it....all of my secrets

you are now free to roam grasshopper...............


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 26, 2004
Glacier View, CO
I've used mainstream songs on my vids and loaded them on Youtub and after a few days they let the music play. They got some elf behind the scenes that says yay or nay, but it takes a few days.

Kind of let the vid editing thing slide. Too much time involved to make mediocre footage look good. lol
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