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QUESTION: Would you be WILLING to lose 10% of your body weight ??


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Some of you will remember a thread from last Fall where Brian, my partner in crime here on SnoWest posted about how he lost 100lbs!


Well, a year later and Brian and I have taken his concepts and formed a new company that is now in the process of proving that everything he created actually works on a LARGE SCALE.


As some of my friends know I am deeply involved with the formation of a new company that is offering a very new twist on an old problem, truly Sustainable Weight Loss. For the next year or so we will be "Beta-Testing" this new program with the goal of running 1,000 people through it to validate our new system. In the last 90 days we just successfully ran 110 Beta-Testers through the program with some terrific weight loss results (-1,500lbs)

(If you have seen me lately you already know I have lost a total of 60lbs myself so far! So I can absolutely attest that this program really does work)

For this next Beta round we need at least 250 participants, more than double what we did this fall.

To make this happen I NEED PEOPLE who are willing to lose 10% of their total body weight in a 90 day period between January 5th and April 5th WITHOUT having to pay any money for our services nor having to buy any product to participate.

I want to be SUPER CLEAR on this, I WILL NOT BE SELLING YOU ANYTHING! There is nothing for you to buy.

This challenge isn't an MLM and I'm not selling services, products or memberships. I am giving away our new found knowledge and our services FOR FREE to anyone who's serious in exchange for you helping us VALIDATE this new program can actually WORK on a large scale!

If you are interested and willing to lose the weight in time for Spring, start by reading all about it here.

Take the Weightix Challenge
Drop some serious weight in time for Spring!


<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JZWB6FtmgeA" allowfullscreen="" width="853" height="480" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Of the 250 open slots, 100 are now booked. We have 150 remaining slots open.

If you would like to participate, please do so QUICKLY.

All previous challenges in 2016 have been BOOKED SOLID.
This one will likely book out in the next few days.

Want more of the background story, take a look here.

If you have questions, FIRE AWAY.




There seems to be a LOT OF CONFUSION about the PRIZE POOL in the 90 Day Challenge that we are running.

As part of our Beta-Test program we run the new members through a 90 day weight loss challenge, where we do everything we can to help/assist/encourage the new members to SUCCEED and lose the full 10% or more in the first 90 days.

As we started this in early 2016 we saw quite a few new members bail out a month or two into the program, so we came up with something to INCENTIVIZE them to stay in and stick it out for the full 90 days so we could gather the test data we need to develop our software.

We ask each participant to contribute $50 to the general prize pool. Then everyone who completes the 90 day challenge and loses the 10% gets their entry fee back AND shares the residual fees evenly. In the last round all the winners got a check for $137.50 for the $50 they invested.

You COMMIT to losing 10% of your weight.
You follow through on the program, lose the weight, and we return your entry fee.

But lets say we have 10 people who join, that puts $500 in the prize pool.
3 quit just because they bail out when it gets hard.
2 fail to make the final weight for whatever reason.
That leaves 5 who COMPLETE the challenge.

Those 5 then split the prize pool, and in this example each got a check for $100, instead of the $50 they contributed. In our last round that ended a week ago, the actual final winnings were $137.50 per person.

Participating in the CHALLENGE IS NOT REQUIRED to use the Weightix system!

But the hard cold truth is that the 350 people who have participated in one of the challenges LOST MORE WEIGHT by far and away then those who do did not, and tried to do it on their own.

If you do NOT want to participate in the 90 Day CHALLENGE or have NO INTENTION of completing the full 90 Day Challenge, let me know and I will be happy to let you sign up for the basic program with NO PRIZE ENTRY FEE!

You are more than welcome to take everything we have to offer and give us nothing whatsoever in return for it. That will just exclude you from the challenge itself and all the support and tracking that comes with it on our part.

Let me say this again, The program itself is absolutely 100% free of charge.


Here are what other SnoWest Members who have gone through the Weightix Program have to say.









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Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

This is gonna sound like a bad email spam.. but.. I lost 100lbs over the last 14 months. Here's what I did...
<hr style="color:#D1D1E1; background-color:#D1D1E1" size="1"> HEY GUYS!!!!!!

I know I'm not as active on SnoWest as I used to be.. (yes, I'm a terrible human being for that).. but I also know that weight-loss and getting into shape was and is a big theme here...

I made getting into shape a HUGE personal priority of mine over the last year or so... I've managed to lose almost 100lbs over the last 14 months.


I felt strongly that I should share this with anyone and everyone who wanted the info...

FIRST... I am NOT SELLING ANYTHING HERE.. (so you can relax).. I am only trying to spread the knowledge because it was a BRUTAL journey for me... and I wish fat-me had known now-me when I started... because I could have saved a LOT of trouble.

I'm not telling you it was easy.. I'm not telling you there's some pill you can take.. I'm telling you that if you know the right techniques, you can avoid a lot of the common pitfalls, errors, and failures that most people experience that ultimately cause them to give up.

The problem is that 99.9% of what you read on the internet about how to lose weight is BOGUS (because it's from people trying to sell something).. and most doctors oversimplify it because even THEY don't fully understand it.

If you're familiar with my past posts, you know that I take a scientific, data-driven approach to everything I do. And if it can't be PROVEN, I don't want anything to do with it. So that's how I approached weight-loss.. I wanted to understand the body's metabolism at a macro level.. (And I will tell you.. I feel like I can go toe-to-toe with any M.D. out there now, on this topic).

Also, my wife got on board with what I was doing, after she saw the success I was having... she's gone from 5'3 165lbs and 38% body-fat down to 135lbs and 22% body-fat. (She is seriously all muscle now... I would not want to meet her in a dark ally). But yes, she worked very hard to get there..

Here's what you should do, if you want to learn more... (again.. promise.. there's nothing to buy).

1) PLEASE LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/100DownBrian/

I created a Facebook page you can follow.. (many of you already follow it, because we're already friends on Facebook)... But you should go here and LIKE this page... That will let you get new articles as I write and publish them. (And I try to write something new at LEAST 3-5 times a week). But please click the link above and click "LIKE" .....

2) PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZWB6FtmgeA

I've created a YouTube channel that I think you guys are going to LOVE... Please go to the link above and click the SUBSCRIBE button (it really means a lot to me to have people watching this stuff).

3) PLEASE READ MY BLOG: http://100down.org/

Literally everything is in there... You can see EXACTLY what I did, and what I'm doing... including a lot of (hopefully) motivational stuff I've written along the way.

Beware of anyone trying to tell you that you need to buy something (other than maybe a gym membership.. ha ha).. to get into shape or lose weight... they are selling something. They are not your friend.

And of course.. I'm happy to answer any questions here.. =)


Well-known member
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Aug 17, 2009
Ogden, UT
Have poured my soul into this project.. It's the culmination of thousands of hours of research and development, and people continue to give me crap that we don't charge for it. =) (Some people think if it's free, it must not have value).

Excited to have anyone who's willing to put in the work.


Scott Stiegler
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
If I lost 15% of my body weight, I'd be pretty stoked.

It's only 23.5 pounds, but I'd love it.


Well-known member
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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
I always figure if we get stranded out in the trees and it will be awhile until someone finds us, I'll survive on my fat and wait for the skinny guys to waste away. After they die I'll eat them to stay alive until I'm rescued. Simple survival skills:) Always plan ahead...


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I always figure if we get stranded out in the trees and it will be awhile until someone finds us, I'll survive on my fat and wait for the skinny guys to waste away. After they die I'll eat them to stay alive until I'm rescued. Simple survival skills:) Always plan ahead...
Hopefully if we are all LEAN MEAN RIDING MACHINES we won't get stranded


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
We can help you take off 10% in 90 days.
15% is a TALL ORDER..

Oh, I can handle it. Thanks though.

My junior year in HS, I cut down from 125 to 105 in 10 weeks (and I was 5'7"). That sucked really bad.

In 2001, when I was in my late 20s, I cut down from 142 to 127 just to show my wrestlers how to do it.

A couple years ago (fall of 2013, I think), I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. That wasn't intentional though. I was just too busy to eat.

I'm pretty sure I know how to cut weight.
It's a matter of getting off my butt, managing portions and increasing metabolism through high intensity workouts.

Burn far more calories than I take in.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Oh, I can handle it. Thanks though.

My junior year in HS, I cut down from 125 to 105 in 10 weeks (and I was 5'7"). That sucked really bad.

In 2001, when I was in my late 20s, I cut down from 142 to 127 just to show my wrestlers how to do it.

A couple years ago (fall of 2013, I think), I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. That wasn't intentional though. I was just too busy to eat.

I'm pretty sure I know how to cut weight.
It's a matter of getting off my butt, managing portions and increasing metabolism through high intensity workouts.

Burn far more calories than I take in.

That was all SHORT TERM loses though.
The fact that you listed all the times you CUT WEIGHT tells me that you put that weight back on each and every time.
This program is about LONG TERM sustainable weight loss.
How to get in shape and STAY THERE...


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
That was all SHORT TERM loses though.
The fact that you listed all the times you CUT WEIGHT tells me that you put that weight back on each and every time.
This program is about LONG TERM sustainable weight loss.
How to get in shape and STAY THERE...

Well that is true.
Losing weight isn't supposed to be a "diet" or a short term thing.
It's supposed to be a lifestyle change.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Well that is true.
Losing weight isn't supposed to be a "diet" or a short term thing.
It's supposed to be a lifestyle change.

What we are TRYING to determine is whether or not this plan we have created does just that.

We THINK we have a set of tools and procedures that will help people take off the weight and then KEEP IT OFF for the long haul.

But we just need a PILE OF HOT BODIES to run through the program to build up that database of successes and failures to know if its working as well as we think it is.

In the last 90 day challenge, we had 110 people enroll.
This time we need to double that and are aiming for 250+

Come April we will double it again and aim for 500.

Then the final Beta Run will be next summer with 1,000 people. At the end of that challenge, we hope to take the concept to the general public.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 25, 2010
Have poured my soul into this project.. It's the culmination of thousands of hours of research and development, and people continue to give me crap that we don't charge for it. =) (Some people think if it's free, it must not have value).

Excited to have anyone who's willing to put in the work.

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