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Killing our great Bald Eagles

Mar 10, 2008
Lynnhood Wa
Ok i think the Old ways of the tribes are way out dated! the tribes just take take take! They live on the Rez and get all the handouts they can get from the Government and they they set up a big fancy Casino to take in a huge amount of money yet they pay no taxes to the state they are in yet they use the services those taxes are for! I say put up a gate on the Rez and Charge them to leave! Let them hunt anything and everything on the Rez and when they Whipe everything out let them starve! A couple of yrs of that and I Bet the Rez's will dissapear in no time! This isnt the 1840's anymore!


Paid Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 31, 2006
Kremmling, Colorado
They don't seem so concerned about there ancient traditions, like living off the land when they are at the bank cashing their government welfare checks.


I really love how they say that they respect life and want it to thrive, so lets kill it. Makes sense. Too much Peyote if you ask me.
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