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D. Petraeus SoS NOT a good idea!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
Please contact President-elect Donald Trump at info@donaldtrump.com. Ask him to reject the idea of nominating anti-gun activist David Petraeus to the post of Secretary of State. You can copy-and-paste the pre-written letter below to email Trump.

----- Copy-and-Paste this Letter to President-elect Donald Trump -----

Dear President-elect Trump:

I understand that anti-gun activist David Petraeus is under consideration for the position of Secretary of State in your administration.

But I agree with Gun Owners of America that Patraeus would be a disastrous choice.

Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, an anti-gun organization devoted to "do[ing] more to prevent gun tragedies" by "urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws."

Not surprisingly, the Leftist media is elated that a gun-hater like Petraeus might be awarded a top Cabinet post. This is true even though Patraeus, in November 2012, resigned as CIA Director and pleaded guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.

But Petraeus' "Clinton-like" disregard for American security is the least of his problems.

As Secretary of State, Petraeus would play a key role in deciding whether to remove the U.S. from the UN Arms Trade Treaty (UN ATT). This agreement would mandate gun registration, and would authorize comprehensive gun bans -- all goals supported by Patraeus' colleagues Kelly and Giffords.

Petraeus would effectively decide whether to push for ratification of the anti-gun UN Small Arms Treaty.

Finally, Petraeus would have jurisdiction over the international trade (ITAR) regulations. Under Clinton/Kerry "guidance," these regulations have been expanded to outlaw gunsmithing. In addition, a gun technician who communicates "how-to" information about guns on the Internet (without purchasing a $2,250 State Department license) could be prosecuted and imprisoned.

You can read GOA's comments against these anti-gun State Department regulations here.

If anti-gun Petraeus is nominated and confirmed, we can expect these policies to be continued and expanded.

Sir, you were elected with the broad support of members of the Second Amendment community. We believe it would be a huge mistake to begin his transition by putting an anti-gun activist in a position whether he could regulate and ban guns.



Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
There are many reasons he would not be a good choice. This is just one of them. BTW, the UN needs to be dismantled.


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Good Question IDcatman3!! You can look at the days after every single tragedy involving guns and people raised the conversation about sensible gun legislation Gun and ammo sales sky rocketed on the fear that "the Black man was coming for their guns". We have not even put the president elect into the office yet and people are already yelling about their coming to take my guns away. I live in a area that has a long history of hunters and outdoors men who enjoy hunting and shooting. I don't own guns but have shot them and have many friends who hunt and shoot for recreation. I have no problem with people doing that. However, this fear "that they are coming to take my gun away" is getting ridiculous to the point of being absurd. You are right that FEAR is the main driver of gun and ammo sales and it works every time


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 21, 2011
Valdez, AK
I corrected a mistake in the last sentence of the letter

I corrected a mistake in the last sentence of the letter, the original posting made zero sense.

Please contact President-elect Donald Trump at info@donaldtrump.com. Ask him to reject the idea of nominating anti-gun activist David Petraeus to the post of Secretary of State. You can copy-and-paste the pre-written letter below to email Trump.

----- Copy-and-Paste this Letter to President-elect Donald Trump -----

Dear President-elect Trump:

I understand that anti-gun activist David Petraeus is under consideration for the position of Secretary of State in your administration.

But I agree with Gun Owners of America that Patraeus would be a disastrous choice.

Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, an anti-gun organization devoted to "do[ing] more to prevent gun tragedies" by "urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws."

Not surprisingly, the Leftist media is elated that a gun-hater like Petraeus might be awarded a top Cabinet post. This is true even though Patraeus, in November 2012, resigned as CIA Director and pleaded guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.

But Petraeus' "Clinton-like" disregard for American security is the least of his problems.

As Secretary of State, Petraeus would play a key role in deciding whether to remove the U.S. from the UN Arms Trade Treaty (UN ATT). This agreement would mandate gun registration, and would authorize comprehensive gun bans -- all goals supported by Patraeus' colleagues Kelly and Giffords.

Petraeus would effectively decide whether to push for ratification of the anti-gun UN Small Arms Treaty.

Finally, Petraeus would have jurisdiction over the international trade (ITAR) regulations. Under Clinton/Kerry "guidance," these regulations have been expanded to outlaw gunsmithing. In addition, a gun technician who communicates "how-to" information about guns on the Internet (without purchasing a $2,250 State Department license) could be prosecuted and imprisoned.

You can read GOA's comments against these anti-gun State Department regulations here.

If anti-gun Petraeus is nominated and confirmed, we can expect these policies to be continued and expanded.

Sir, you were elected with the broad support of members of the Second Amendment community. We believe it would be a huge mistake to begin his transition by putting an anti-gun activist in a position where he could regulate and ban guns.



Well-known member
Mar 21, 2013
Anyone wanna talk about how he's considering nominating someone who is fine with sending hundreds of thousands of people to Gitmo for director of homeland security? Or do we not care about any civil rights as long as we can keep our guns?

Don't forget that same potential nominee also locked someone up for 6 days without water till they died, and made a pregnant women deliver her own child in jail with no medical help and the baby died, but that's fine as long as she didn't get an abortion right?

The hypocrisy is incredible.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
We are going to need more guns because the swamp is getting bigger not smaller. Did I see Mitt Romney floating around there? If so maybe we can build a wall around it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 21, 2011
Valdez, AK
Honest Question

Anyone wanna talk about how he's considering nominating someone who is fine with sending hundreds of thousands of people to Gitmo for director of homeland security? Or do we not care about any civil rights as long as we can keep our guns?

Don't forget that same potential nominee also locked someone up for 6 days without water till they died, and made a pregnant women deliver her own child in jail with no medical help and the baby died, but that's fine as long as she didn't get an abortion right?

The hypocrisy is incredible.

I have a question; how do you bleeding heart liberals, ride a sled when there is not Single Nut between you all collectively.

Maybe you're all just gay SkiDoo riders who ride in the parking lots and meadows?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Lefties are simply resentful of the fact that Trump is already producing more results before he has taken oath than Osama has been able to in 8 years.

Much jealousy coming from the losers.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2013
I have a question; how do you bleeding heart liberals, ride a sled when there is not Single Nut between you all collectively.

Maybe you're all just gay SkiDoo riders who ride in the parking lots and meadows?

How about any of you come up with a coherent argument instead of name calling and skirting the issues? Please, address anything that I posted that is incorrect, I'd appreciate it. You're no better than liberals who run around calling everyone racists, xenophobes, etc.

You're sorely mistaken if you think I'm a liberal, i just call out hypocrisy from both sides. It's funny how liberals think I'm a conservative, and conservatives think im liberal, yet most prefer to call names rather than try to have a civil discussion that might bring me more to your "side".


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 21, 2011
Valdez, AK
How about any of you come up with a coherent argument instead of name calling and skirting the issues? Please, address anything that I posted that is incorrect, I'd appreciate it. You're no better than liberals who run around calling everyone racists, xenophobes, etc.

You're sorely mistaken if you think I'm a liberal, i just call out hypocrisy from both sides. It's funny how liberals think I'm a conservative, and conservatives think im liberal, yet most prefer to call names rather than try to have a civil discussion that might bring me more to your "side".

I don't have a "Side"; I have my opinions, but I don't follow anyone or anything, political or otherwise.

I for one think we have gone far too far left on the whole Civil Rights thing; I have seen this first hand with my limited experience with the "Justice System" (that name is a misnomer). In short; convicted criminals have far more "Rights" than you or I do being on the outside. My EX-Wife kidnapped our child and fled to Canada for the better part of a summer, before being caught and detained by the RCMP. Which led her to being a doubly convicted Felon, that served an all too short one year in Jail. The Judge over Custody at the time refused to suspend her parental rights and insisted that she be allowed visitation. This has since been reversed with a change of Judge's in the case. This and other life experiences has led me to strongly support the death penalty for anything more than a minor moving violation. Just think, no tax dollars wasted on prisons, no need for welfare, unemployment, far less need for law enforcement because people would realize the cost of being anything less than a "productive" member of society. No need for a huge government presence, and all the needless programs that are in place to crutch up the less than than "productive" member of society. No need for all the lawyers as the system would be pretty cut and dry, if you cross the line, you're dead! Society as whole would be far better served. Under my system most all politicians would be dead. So what little government we would need, would be clean and free of the wide spread corruption that is all too common under the current system! We could go on, but I think most people can see the benefits of my proposal.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast





Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
The world wants a continual flow of rainbows and unicorns, not the grim meat hook of reality that we all must face some times. SUCK IT BITCHES!!!!
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