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An idea for all mods on this forum

Dec 7, 2007
Mill Creek, WA
OK, so here it is; my idea and proposal for a new plan for the mods on this site. Christopher included.

I've been thinking about this more, (that's that burning smell coming from Marysville, it's my braincells working waaay too hard) and while I am very grateful for the time and effort the mods put into this forum, I think it's time for a change. In some fashion, each section is overseen by at least one mod. This is totally appropriate. Each person that is a mod should be given a new alias, "Mod#XX". All moderator duties should be done via the "Mod#xx" alias. This would allow them to separate their personal beliefs from their moderator duties. This would be hard for some, as we have seen plenty of pissing contests develop around this topic over the years. But, in the long run, its better for the mods: They still get to retain their member alias, and they can be as opinionated as they wish, and when doing so, they don't represent or speak for the site. It's better for the site, so it avoids the confusion of a personal opinion being mistaken for an 'official site stance on a topic'

What say you?



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Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
Polar, I like the idea, but the mods are already in place & in general we know who they are. Unless they were to play musical chairs & all swap forums, I don't see that being as effective as we'd like. Most of the mods are in their forums because that is where they tend to hang, which makes sense to me.

Other than that I like it.

I don't know of that happening on any other forums. I'm not sure why it's so different here, but the other forums seem to not have the silly pissing matches that we have here from what I see. (that mods get involved in anyhow)


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Aug 14, 2002
I don't know of that happening on any other forums. I'm not sure why it's so different here, but the other forums seem to not have the silly pissing matches that we have here from what I see. (that mods get involved in anyhow)
respect, everything seems to be an argument here...


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
Not a bad idea.... certainly something to think about....

What do you mods think of this idea???

I don't know that I would be hugely opposed to the idea. However as has been mentioned, it may create more of a who's who issue and I think most people already know more or less what kind of character to expect out of the various moderators we have in the various sections that we all visit.

There is something to be said for having an account that is strictly a 'personal opinion' account, but I guess from how I read it seems fairly clear to me when a mod is voicing a personal opinion as opposed to a stance on a forum policy issue.... maybe that's just me though and I can appreciate the other view.

Not sure how you would really separate the 2 sides of a person when everyone already knows who you are, if that makes any sense, lol.
Dec 7, 2007
Mill Creek, WA
yes, you are right, we'd likely figure out who is who

Yes, to those of you who have written about the idea that we'd all figure out who is who, I think you are absolutely right. But IMHO, I don't think that really matters that much. The concept isn't so much to hide their identiy, but rather to remind them of the power/influence the mod role has. My hope, is that it would cause the mods to stop and think about what they post, prior to making a post, to remember what their role as a mod actually is.

Sometimes, as human beings, all we need is a subtle reminder, and I think making that separation could be that subtle reminder.

For the most part, I am happy with the jobs the mods are doing, I can't really recall a gripe I have with a moderator. It's a thankless job, but I'm grateful for their efforts.

If you've read more of my posts, it's easy to see that I do take exception to how the ADMIN is handling things, and behaving. I've tried to be respectful, yet persistent (Because I care) about my objections, and be specific enough about those objections so he could learn if he wanted to. (he doesn't seem to want to, for whatever reason).

And, yes, to those of you that brought up that other forums don't seem to have the issues we are having, I agree. I belong to at least 5 other forums, that pertain to 2 other interests. They don't have these issues. They also don't have an admin with the attitude that our admin does. I suspect that has a large impact.

Nobody's perfect, but I was just thinking that it's a concept that might help make this a better place again.

Thanks for taking the time to read this idea, and comment on it. I appreciate it.



Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
If you've read more of my posts, it's easy to see that I do take exception to how the ADMIN is handling things, and behaving. I've tried to be respectful, yet persistent (Because I care) about my objections, and be specific enough about those objections so he could learn if he wanted to. (he doesn't seem to want to, for whatever reason).

And, yes, to those of you that brought up that other forums don't seem to have the issues we are having, I agree. I belong to at least 5 other forums, that pertain to 2 other interests. They don't have these issues. They also don't have an admin with the attitude that our admin does. I suspect that has a large impact.

There will be no learning here, and quite frankly sir, for you to suggest that ADMIN is anything other than perfect is completely irresponsible. this kind of behavior will not be tolerated!!:face-icon-small-ton

Yeah, I belong to 8 (ok, those are the ones I actually use.) forums from sledding, photography, kayaking, mtn biking, tdi forums... and on NO other sites do I see the BS that we see on this one. Quite frankly leadership starts at the top & when the guy at the top is clueless, it just flows downhill.

I DO have to give some credit though, to the mods. I feel that for a while many of them were over the top in attitude & action, being pretty obnoxious, and not really understanding how to be a leader without being obnoxious (yes, they were learning from a certain someone, no surprises here). In relatively short order though, most of those got much better & learned to get back to just doing the job without an attitude & I applaud them for that, I'm sure it's harder than it sounds.

On occasion I still see an action & shake my head, but nothing like how it was when the switch over happened.

Oh... and then there's those jerks like smokindave... some people you just can't help I guess...:face-icon-small-sho:face-icon-small-ton
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Canada Moderator
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Nov 26, 2007
Calgary Alberta
There will be no learning here, and quite frankly sir, for you to suggest that ADMIN is anything other than perfect is completely irresponsible. this kind of behavior will not be tolerated!!:face-icon-small-ton

Yeah, I belong to 8 (ok, those are the ones I actually use.) forums from sledding, photography, kayaking, mtn biking, tdi forums... and on NO other sites do I see the BS that we see on this one. Quite frankly leadership starts at the top & when the guy at the top is clueless, it just flows downhill.

I DO have to give some credit though, to the mods. I feel that for a while many of them were over the top in attitude & action, being pretty obnoxious, and not really understanding how to be a leader without being obnoxious (yes, they were learning from a certain someone, no surprises here). In relatively short order though, most of those got much better & learned to get back to just doing the job without an attitude & I applaud them for that, I'm sure it's harder than it sounds.

On occasion I still see an action & shake my head, but nothing like how it was when the switch over happened.

Oh... and then there's those jerks like smokindave... some people you just can't help I guess...:face-icon-small-sho:face-icon-small-ton

I guess with jerks,you can only help those that want help...eh:face-icon-small-sho


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Dec 10, 2003
Sherwood Park, Ab, Canada
I hate to say it, but the BS seems to filter its way thru many other forums as well.... I should provide a link to the Chevy vs. Ford vs. Dodge melée that got well out of hand on a usually mellow RV forum I am frequently on during the summer months, but what's the point?
Most of the locals have been behaving themselves relatively well lately from what I have been seeing.
Dec 7, 2007
Mill Creek, WA
Backcountry is absolutely correct: Leadership flows from the top. Weather we like it or not, when we are in an leadership (or control) role, our actions are the example of behavior that others will constantly see and feel. In his all-powerful role, Chris really does set the tone for this site. It's too bad the tone he has chosen. But, it becomes a form of politics: There have maybe been 10-20 of us that have stayed on this idea, and been active with posts and such. 10-20 is a very small % of the # of the total number of accounts. If he is interpreting it as we are the only folks that are upset, well, then it's easy to just blow us off. I actually think its an informal representative situation, like our formal form of government. 535 senators and reps for some 300+ million constituents. Maybe it's a stretch to make the comparison, but I'd dare suggest that there are lots that don't like how SW has changed over the past year, they just moved on or don't think it's worth speaking up.

I don't begrudge anyone for making an error, or for having a momentary laps in judgment. I've been there, and I still have several t-shirts hanging in my closet! :face-icon-small-dis But I also feel that part of being a leader is being able to recognize when others feel you made a mistake and being able to deal with that issue properly.

And yeah, I probably belong to 10 other forums, I'm just 'active' on about 5. Those forums include sleds, diesel trucks, and a some firearm forums.



Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
Yup, I get a number of PM's from people saying they agree with something I've said, or the fact that we have issue with something. Unfortunately I don't see those people posting on here, not that it would matter anyhow if they did, Chris has done nothing wrong, nor will he ever. Nothing to see here folks... move along...

The more I think about it though the more I'm impressed with the way that many of the mods have evolved. Considering how the lead is taken, it's impressive to see people just move toward an intelligent role of leadership even when it's not the role that has been modeled for them. Some of the initial issues would be expected, as nobody is perfect when they start a job, just the nature of the beast. The difference, some people learn from their mistakes... and some people just don't make them so there's nothing to learn:suspicious:


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
Yup, I get a number of PM's from people saying they agree with something I've said, or the fact that we have issue with something. Unfortunately I don't see those people posting on here,
You ever thought that people might send Chris pm's on here agreeing with him, but don't post here as well?

You guys are making the assumption that the majority thinks there is an issue...


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Dumont/Breckenridge, CO
You ever thought that people might send Chris pm's on here agreeing with him, but don't post here as well?

Of course. It's the only defense he uses when he does stipud shti. (at least he's not A DEMOCRAT!!!!!!:boink:)

There will always be a silent or behind the scenes group, that's reality. Thankfully for many of us (in all sorts of situations) there are people like us that don't sit back & moan under our breath about something, we stand up & moan OVER our breath!!!!:face-icon-small-sho (oh yeah, we're freedom fighters...:face-icon-small-con)

Unfortunately though, if you don't stand up & be counted... you don't count. I may disagree with you ruffy... but at least you've got the huevos to put you butt in the ring & have the discussion! (but you can't be right anyhow... you're a democrat... it's simple physics!:humble:)
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