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The Blues - Edition 20/21


Skidoo hill crew
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Colfax, WA
Rode out of Dayton on Saturday with my wife, the youngest daughter and Mr. Plum. The sun was shining bright, the snow was once again great soft spring snow. This was the last ride of the year for the family but I am leaving my options open if the opportunity calls.


Skidoo hill crew
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Colfax, WA
Here are a few more.42DA18F5-BFAE-4E6A-9FB1-5D0037037245.jpeg7904FBA5-B1D7-4C74-B5C3-52200A162089.jpeg
As I reflect on this past season I have much to be thankful for and things that I wish I could change.
It sucks that my friend Bill was out most of the season due to health.
Glenn and my paths did not cross much as I would have liked this year.
My girls are really starting to find the passion to ride.
But probably the best part of the year was getting my riding partner the busted old nut back. I thank Kolbie (his least favorite granddaughter) for helping him rediscover his passion for the sport.

And for the record, I will drag your sorry Skidoo riding carcass around as long as you want to go the mountain because that is what friends do.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Right side of Washington
3/28/21 Ride Report... last trip of the season. It was a GREAT season, new sled, a good friend and a granddaughter pushing me and I played in sketchy areas I have not played on in 5-6 years... THANK YOU CB 8!

Rode out of Cloverland, pretty easy drive to the snowpark, trails were in good shape, a couple of inches of fresh on concrete, just shy of seven feet at the marker. Had a very young gun with me (Kolbie's boyfriend) and we played in the sh__ hole, Junior, and the A and B runs at the hill climb... trying to keep up with these two and the grandparents are whipped!!!

3.28.21 025.JPG
We had a few problems here... got dug out and climbed back out... This is an area I have not been in in several years... just East of the Tailbone.. video gives no depth as to how steep this area is... https://dl-mail.ymail.com/ws/downlo...tDn5HRUAZNQr2biwh95PZlIddd00DuAp0F5Z_Yi9UPULW
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dayton, WA
Man you guys pull the plug quick. Another month of great riding still. Took Drew riding yesterday. Then back to farming.

CB.8 you need to find a Pantera or El Tigre' and come racing. Will have to do a check about racing next winter. 3 weekends at Priest Lake and two at Sumpter amounts to almost 1/3 of the winter. Although fun do I really want to spend that much time in the pits when there is good riding at Priest. At Sumpter we went for a ride toward Granite since they made it a two day race and done by noon on Saturday and just after 11 on Sunday. I don't like being tied down for something that could be done in one day. It was nice weather up on the mountain.

Getting to know the Cat dealer at Tollgate and he sold his Riots so not getting one of those. Next year who knows CB.8. I may be getting too old for the bright color.

Went riding with him last Sunday on snowbikes. He said he had to work and his wife was watching him on the webcam. We got someone to wear a hat and move around in the far side of the room and we went out riding. Checked out some canyons close by and showed in some snowbike zones he hadn't been to yet.

It was a strange winter as I also changed what I did riding. First year in many years I haven't been to the WSSA convention in President's weekend. Haven't seen CatZR or Tampico someone during the winter. Have had some good times riding with them too.

Got to see new area in SE Idaho and In Utah and met some people to show us around.


Then there was the chase the snow to Halfway instead of Stanley so I had to ride the Arctic Cat one day since my sled was on a different rig that went to Jackson, WY. I was glad to see it when it finally arrived.


Look forward to next year and more adventures. Don't be a stranger CB.8 always willing to ride with you. Bill may be doing another replacement next year so may be tied up for awhile again.


Skidoo hill crew
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Colfax, WA
Glenn you know I am always up for a ride with the Warren’s. It was just a weird year.
You would look good on orange.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dayton, WA
With the several inches of new snow that came through Sunday morning I had to run up in the afternoon to check it out. Was fun and the stake shows about 70 inches at the top of the 700 trail. 20210425_175138.jpg

Zipping up one of the hidden bowls not far out of the parking lot.


Looking back across the canyon at the 64 road from the Griffin Peak gravel pile.

Looking to the south more at the Wallowa mountains in the distance.

It was nice to be in some fresh white snow to enjoy one last time. Total snow coverage once you cross the road and head up the 700 trail. The trail out of the SnoPark along the 64 road is mostly bare. A snowbike crosses the road and rides on all the snow on the edge from Bluewood clearing the road all winter then you're good after the Bluewood corner. Not enough room there to turn around with a trailer as Bluewood has the gate closed. Nice afternoon but the trees were wet from the melted snow on them in the afternoon.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Dayton, WA
I was up on the mountain today and found the perfect place for you to buy Rob and Bill. A cabin with a couple buildings with one being the on the mountain Cat House for in- house repairs to keep you guys going. Looks like it was listed for sale the end of April. Still show snow around. Don't wait too long as property is selling quickly.

Keep a modest living area and do the bed and breakfast with the rest of it like it used to or contract with the store across the way to provide breakfast. Just get a better snow removal person.

View attachment 372442


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Right side of Washington
Drove up to the Cloverland Snow park (area beyond is closed) The fire burned to the West side of the parking lot and looking further South it looks like the fire jumped the road and burned further East. The canyon below the parking lot (prime Elk habitat, a younger Plumnuts used to hunt down there) is burned.

Looking at the fire map guessing this A listed climb will no longer have the brush and trees to go around... :(

Jan 13, 2012
Central Washington
Green Ridge fire Infrared flight on 9-6-21. 41,867 acres.

Lick Creek Flown on 8-25-21. 80,421 acres.

Both fires


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Right side of Washington
so the forest circus "opened" you can drive in from Cloverland but only as far as Wickiup Campground... from there it is closed to motorized travel... but if you walk or ride horse you can continue on ?!?!?! Game land is closed.

Looks like Rose Springs and the Pomery-Troy Road is still closed... there is no fire there... but it is closed.

the areas they back burned and cleared will be cool to play on... the fire did not cross the mountain road

I wanted to see if the Tail Bone had burned...
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