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YET ANOTHER obama tax cheat!!!


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May 11, 2004
I can't FREAKIN Believe it!!

Another Obama nominee runs into tax problems

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's choice for a top job in the Treasury Department did not disclose all of her late tax payments until she was repeatedly prodded by Senate investigators, a congressional report issued Wednesday said.

Obama's nominee for undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs, Lael Brainard, is the fifth presidential nominee to reveal tax issues during the congressional vetting process.

Brainard was late in paying real estate taxes in 2005, 2006 and 2007 on property in Northern Virginia, according to the report by the Senate Finance Committee staff.

The report also challenges the accuracy of a deduction Brainard claimed for running an office from her home. The challenge led Brainard to reduce the deduction on her 2008 return, though she declined to adjust returns for 2005, 2006 and 2007, telling committee staff she used a reasonable method to calculate the deductions.

Brainard paid most of the late property taxes before she was nominated, in March. However, she told the committee that she realized after her nomination that her 2008 property taxes had not been paid. They were paid in September, the report said.

Brainard is current in all her taxes, said Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams.

"At no time during the Committee staff's consideration of her nomination has Ms. Brainard been informed that the staff believes she owes additional tax, nor has she been asked to file any amended tax returns," Williams said.

The amounts in question were relatively small. Brainard paid $121.75 in interest and $1,279.34 in penalties on late real estate tax payments, the report said.

But the committee's top Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is unhappy that the committee staff had to submit 10 sets of questions to Brainard before getting complete information about the late payments.

After Brainard was nominated last spring, the Finance Committee had her fill out a routine questionnaire that asked whether she had made any late tax payments in the past 10 years. Her initial response did not include all the late payments. It did, however, acknowledge she had made late unemployment insurance payments for household employees "on a number of occasions," the report said.

"The dollar amounts involved aren't large compared to some other administration nominees this year, but the lack of candor, accuracy and timeliness in addressing the issues has been discouraging," Grassley said.

Finance Committee Democrats rushed to Brainard's defense. "I am satisfied Ms. Brainard has taken the steps necessary to fix the discrepancies in documents submitted to the committee," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Finance Committee. "We intend to move forward as soon as possible on this nomination, to bolster the efforts at Treasury and strengthen America's recovery at home and abroad."

Brainard's husband, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, is the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia. Brainard and Campbell ran an international affairs consulting firm out of their home.

If confirmed by the Senate, Brainard would oversee American policies on issues including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and international tax treaties. Brainard was a deputy national economic adviser for international affairs during the Clinton administration.

Timothy Geithner was confirmed as Treasury secretary after it was disclosed that he had to pay more than $34,000 in back taxes and interest on income he made while working for the International Monetary Fund.

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle withdrew as a nominee to become Health and Human Services after it was disclosed that he failed to pay $128,000 in taxes.
Nov 26, 2007
yet another "nobama" vetted choice for our treasury dept. I cannot fathom this stupid
admins idiotic (imo) approach to "ram-it-down -their -throats" attitude. The sheeple are waking up some, but there will be a lot of "changes" yet to come and all must be vigilant and hold those accountable for where they stand(kneel) for this admin roll in screwing U.S. BUY GUNS & ammo www.oathkeepers.org
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Remember Timmy?


Congressman Michael Burgess scalded Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner during a fiery hearing on Capitol Hill this morning, telling the former New York Fed chief that he should never have been hired and demanding that the TARP program come to an abrupt end, shortly after GOP Rep. Kevin Brady had called on Geithner to resign.

“The public has lost all confidence in your ability to do the job,” Brady told Geithner during a heated Joint Economic Committee meeting, adding that he had failed to oversee an economic recovery before asking Geithner, “Will you step down from your post?”

Geithner responded by claiming that confidence in the economy was substantially stronger than before Obama took office, to which Brady responded, “Tell all of that to the millions of American who no longer have jobs because of your decisions,” adding, “At some point you have to take some responsibility for your decisions.”

“This is your budget! This is your bailout”, shouted Brady.

Obama pledged to create 3.5 million new jobs by 2010, however, with unemployment running at 10.2 per cent, and with 3.5 million jobs lost, the Obama jobs deficit stands at over 7 million.

Shortly after the fracas, Rep. Michael Burgess confronted Geithner on how TARP funds were used to bail out banks in Europe while the American people suffered with spiraling mortgage defaults and unemployment.


“We’ve got the TARP, it’s supposed to expire, why won’t we let it die a natural death rather than letting it painfully linger?” asked Burgess, to which Geithner responded, “We are working to put TARP out of its misery,” contradicting reports of a “second stimulus” being planned for early 2010.

Geithner’s claim that he was working aggressively to terminate TARP programs was met with Burgess’ response, “Well it looks like money is going out with little or no oversight,” which Geithner denied, despite the fact that Fed chairman Ben Bernanke admitted earlier this year that he didn’t know which foreign banks had received over half a trillion dollars in credit swaps when pressed by Congressman Alan Grayson, who this week introduced an amendment with Ron Paul to secure more oversight on money leaving the U.S. earmarked for foreign banks.

Burgess stressed that small businesses were frightened of adding jobs because they were worried about the potential costs of health care, regulation and the impact of the cap and trade program, stating, “We don’t need another stimulus, we need to provide some tax relief and then get the heck out of the way and the American economy will recover as it has always done.”

Referring to Brady’s comments, Burgess commented, “I don’t think that you should be fired, I thought you should never have been hired.”

“I’ll tell you, my constituents, they’re not just anxious, they are mad, they are fighting mad about what is happening in the economy, they’re fighting mad about what is happening in the stimulus,” concluded Burgess.
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