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Gun Owners of America Alert Today



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Arlington Wa. USA
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 600px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 35px; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman; TEXT-ALIGN: center">Gun Owners of America</TD></TR><TR><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 15px; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman; TEXT-ALIGN: left"><HR align=left color=#0000ff SIZE=6 width="100%">
Sellout is worse than the Feinstein gun ban!
Urgent action required. It is urgent that every gun owner call their Senators today and demand that they oppose the "See a Shrink, Lose your Guns" sell-out bill that is being authored by Senators Pat Toomey (R) and Joe Manchin (D) - but which also has Chuck Schumer's fingerprints all over it. Call immediately at 202-224-3121.
See a Shrink, Lose your Guns. The anti-gun "ranters" have spent the last week telling us that Republican Senators can't filibuster Harry Reid's gun control bill; that they can't cut off debate to a bill they haven't seen yet. "Let the bill come up," they say. "We need to see the bill" before Senators can vote against cloture to proceed to it.
Well, we've seen the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out, and it's worse than the Feinstein gun ban, which will reportedly be tied to it and offered simultaneously in a Senate procedure known as an "amendment tree."
Toomey and Manchin will claim that their bill only covers "gun show sales" and Internet sales. But if you've ever talked about your gun and /or let it be known you'd like to sell or buy a gun on the Internet, this language covers you. If you advertise your gun in the church bulletin and the bulletin is put on the Internet, you're covered.
The only exemption is for sales that are sold exclusively by word of mouth. The increased number of background checks would likely exacerbate the system breakdowns (inherent to NICS) which have shut down gun shows over and over again. It would mean that Americans who were illegally denied firearms because their names were similar to other people's would effectively be barred from owning a gun. (We would never tolerate such delays for voting rights or other freedoms that we are guaranteed.)
And for those Republicans who think they're going to be able to offer their useless amendments, guess what? Reid is reportedly going to use a procedure to block out all amendments (called an "amendment tree"). And there are plenty of Senators standing in line to make sure that the Senate doesn't give "unanimous consent" to let those Republicans offer their amendments.
So if you live in a rural area, you're effectively barred from selling or buying a gun - or it at least becomes very, very difficult.
Incidentally, the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer "national registry" language is full of holes. There will be a national gun registry as a result of this sell-out.
But that's not the worst part. Under an amendment in the bill to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), you could have your guns taken away because your private shrink thinks you're "dangerous" and could send your name directly to the FBI Instant Check system.
Did you think it was terrible that 150,000 military veterans had been added into the NICS system because they'd seen a VA shrink about their PTSD? Well guess what? Now it's going to happen to the rest of the population ... by the millions!
And the next step, of course, will be to begin to sue psychiatrists that don't send every single patient's name to the Instant Check system, and to make sure that their lives are ruined if they don't send a patient to NICS and anything goes wrong.
The bottom line: "See a shrink; lose your guns."
All of this will reportedly be on an amendment tree with the Feinstein gun ban and magazine bans.
Repeal of gun owner protections. In addition, Toomey no doubt unintentionally agreed to repeal one of the most important protections for gun owners that was included in the 1986 McClure-Volkmer Act - the provision that would allow you to take an unloaded, locked-up gun through states like New York without being stopped. Under a new subsection (c), the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer bill would require you to "demonstrate" to the satisfaction of New York police where you were coming from and where you are going to. And, if you don't do that to their satisfaction, they can arrest you.
Please keep in mind, nothing in this bill would have stopped Newtown dirtbag from killing his mother and taking the firearms that she owned and perpetrating the horrible crimes that he committed.
Nothing is this bill would actually make children safer at schools. There is nothing that will actually keep bad guys from stealing or illegally acquiring guns, but there's plenty that will threaten our gun rights!
ACTION: Click here to contact your two senators immediately. Tell them the "see a shrink; lose your guns" sellout is even worse than the Feinstein gun ban which will reportedly be on the same amendment tree with it. Distribute this alert far and wide.
Time is short, so if you call - at 202-224-3121 - you may click here to see the pre-written letter and use the contents to help direct your comments.



Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
For what it's worth, I emailed my state "leaders" and got replies from both stating they were against gun control laws but here's how they voted.
It's not over yet, but it's time to hold their feet to the fire!

* Republicans who voted for the motion to proceed to gun control on Thursday are Alexander (TN), Ayotte (NH), Burr (NC), Chambliss (GA), Collins (ME), Corker (TN), Coburn (OK), Flake (AZ), Isakson (GA), McCain (AZ), Heller (NV), Hoeven (ND), Kirk (IL), Graham (SC), Toomey (PA) and Wicker (MS).

* Democrats who claim to be pro-gun but voted to proceed to gun control (S. 649) are Baucus (MT), Hagan (NC), Landrieu (LA), Heitkamp (ND), Johnson (SD), Reid (NV), Tester (MT) and Warner (VA).


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
For what it's worth, I emailed my state "leaders" and got replies from both stating they were against gun control laws but here's how they voted.
It's not over yet, but it's time to hold their feet to the fire!

* Republicans who voted for the motion to proceed to gun control on Thursday are Alexander (TN), Ayotte (NH), Burr (NC), Chambliss (GA), Collins (ME), Corker (TN), Coburn (OK), Flake (AZ), Isakson (GA), McCain (AZ), Heller (NV), Hoeven (ND), Kirk (IL), Graham (SC), Toomey (PA) and Wicker (MS).

* Democrats who claim to be pro-gun but voted to proceed to gun control (S. 649) are Baucus (MT), Hagan (NC), Landrieu (LA), Heitkamp (ND), Johnson (SD), Reid (NV), Tester (MT) and Warner (VA).

WHY am I not surprised.


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Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
Good News!

Gun Owners of America
We Won a Stunning Victory Today!
“Schumer’s spokesman Brian Fallon took note of Gun Owners of America’s role in the debate, tweeting a link to the [New York] Times profile and saying the group ‘is making deal on even background checks extremely hard.’” - TPM Media, “Democrats Blame Gun Owners of America for Gun Control Setback,” April 8, 2013

You guys did it. We all did it - together!

For four months, the laughing hyenas on MSNBC and in the White House have been cackling hysterically about the "bitter clingers" who actually own guns and value the Second Amendment.

Well, who’s laughing now?

The TPM quote above indicated - more than a week ago - that things weren’t going well for anti-gun Democrats. The New York Times also lamented on April 3 that:

The group [GOA] has already been successful in both freezing senators, particularly Republicans, who have appeared to be on the fence about supporting bills to expand background checks.

Have you ever wondered if your activism makes any difference at all? Well, today, you saw a dramatic answer to that question, as we won an incredible victory.

You guys scorched the Senate offices with phone calls. Many of you reported to us that their phones were ringing endlessly (as they were busy handling other calls) ... that in many cases your Senator's mailboxes were full ... and in some cases, that they even hung up on you.

Today was a textbook example of how grassroots activism makes a difference! But even still, you can be sure that the gun grabbers will be back soon, trying hard to resurrect this issue.

And that’s why your GOA will remain ever vigilant and will alert you to any proposed infringements of your liberty.

Here are the highlights of what happened today:

(1) The most important vote was the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer national gun registry proposal. With 60 votes needed for passage, the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment was shot down by a vote of 54-46.

GOA and NRA strongly opposed the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment. But we were surprised to see that another gun group - not only said they supported the Toomey language, but - said they helped write the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer text. Thankfully, their support for this gun control language was not enough to get it passed.

(2) The Cornyn-Vitter-Thune amendment - pushed hard by Gun Owners of America - received a 57-43 vote (so we fell three votes short since 60 were needed). This provision would have allowed concealed carry holders and persons in constitutional carry states to carry nationwide. The overwhelming vote on this amendment sets the stage for bringing it up again and again on must-pass legislation.

(3) As predicted, the Feinstein gun ban lost by a vote of 40-60 - falling far short of a majority - and the magazine ban lost by a vote of 46-54.

Today is a day to celebrate! We thank God for all of you and for all the Help that we have received in this long struggle to stop infringements of our liberties.

Here’s what is still left for tomorrow.

Harry Reid’s bill (S. 649) is still on the floor of the Senate, and there are two scheduled votes that will take place tomorrow. Eventually, the Senate will vote on whether to end debate on the bill (known as cloture), but that vote won’t necessarily take place tomorrow. The Senate will need 60 votes to end debate, but if they can’t reach that threshold, the bill effectively dies.

So GOA is telling Senators to vote AGAINST cloture on the bill, whenever that vote comes.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Its not over yet!

These amendments, especially the background checks, will be pulled up for another vote at some point.

Harry Reid can piss off!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
Heidi Heitkamp(D) and John Hoven(R) of ND voted against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer bill as they intend to vote against the Reid bill. I applaud their efforts and it's good to see some reps do listen to their constituents! And I do know a lot of people in ND have been voicing their concerns. I hope others follow their lead going foreward!

I will add that they took some heat for voting to move this ahead but are strongly opposed to gun control and preserving the 2nd Amenment.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
They are knocking on the door again!

Gun Owners of America
Obama Administration Trying to
Grab Guns Through Executive Order
Tell HHS their new regs are crazy

“Gun Owners of America [has] spent the months since Newtown doing tremendous damage, insisting that expanded background checks will lead to a gun registry.” - New York Times, April 4, 2013

It’s quite a complement when the New York Times thinks that you are doing “tremendous damage.” But you can be sure that the other side is not going to go away quietly.

And sure enough, the Obama Administration is trying to unilaterally undo our recent victory in the Senate - and to undo the “damage” that all of us inflicted together.

But first, a little history.

Remember when Senators Pat Toomey, Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer formed an unholy alliance during the recent gun battle on Capitol Hill? Remember how their amendment would have encouraged your psychiatrist to turn you in to the FBI's gun ban list?

And you remember how we stopped that provision, because over 40 senators found it to be odious and a violation of the Second Amendment?

Well, guess what? Barack Obama has just concluded that "he don't need no stinkin’ Senate."

Instead, Secretary Kathleen "ObamaCare" Sebelius - and her Department of Health and Human Services - has promulgated regulations which would, by executive fiat, waive all federal privacy laws and encourage you doctor to report you to the FBI.

Understand a couple of things: First, the standard which your doctor would use to turn you in is embodied in Clinton-era ATF language and in the anti-gun Veterans Disarmament Act of 2007. Specifically, you doctor would "drop a dime" on you if he suspected you were even a slight "danger to yourself of others" or were "unable to manage your financial affairs."

So if they say you can't balance your checkbook, then you lose your constitutional rights.

But there's another problem: The day these regulations become law, lawyers will be lining up to sue "deep-pocket" psychiatrists for every case where they failed to turn in a patient to NICS - if the patient subsequently engages in a horrific act.

The bottom line? Any psychiatrist who failed to report all of his patients to the NICS system risks losing everything if any of them engages in harmful conduct. Soon the rule of thumb will be: See a shrink; lose your guns.

And the regulations will apply to private, as well as government-employed psychiatrists.

The bad news is that 165,000 military veterans have already lost their gun rights because of the “see a VA shrink, lose your gun rights” precedent from the Clinton-Bush era.

Sadly, what happened to military veterans has now begun in the private sector - especially in places like New York, after they recently passed their misnamed SAFE Act.

According to gun rights reporter, Dan Roberts, firearms are now being confiscated from gun owners because of their mental health information. For example:

“[John Doe] received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history.”

So now taking anxiety pills can result in one’s forfeiting their Second Amendment rights in New York!

This is where the gun haters want to push their agenda. And this is one reason why background checks are so dangerous - because they give government bureaucrats the opportunity to deny law-abiding people their constitutionally-protected rights.

But the good news is this: The HHS rulemaking is still at an early stage, and HHS is (no doubt reluctantly) taking the views of the general public.

ACTION: Go to the Federal Register - at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-04-23/pdf/2013-09602.pdf - and respond to the regs entitled “HIPAA Privacy Rule and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).”

Let the HHS know how you feel about waiving all federal privacy laws for people who seek counseling.

You may submit your comments at www.regulations.gov

Also, be sure to tell your congressmen that you oppose the “see a shrink, lose your guns” regs issued by the HHS. Ask him to issue his own comments as well.

The regs themselves lay out several ways that you may submit your opposition. The comment period ends on June 7, 2013.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
This need action!

Gun Owners of America
Encourage the Nevada Governor to Veto Gun Control!
Gov. Sandoval is sticking his finger in the wind,
trying to decide whether to issue veto

You don’t even have to live in Nevada.

But you should know that Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval (R) is trying to decide whether he should sign or veto SB 221, a bill so extreme that the left-of-center United States Senate even voted down a version of it.

If he signs this Universal Background Check bill, it will have ramifications for you -- even if you don’t live in the Silver State.

So please call 775-684-5670 and press “2” -- to vote AGAINST the universal background check bill (SB 221). You don’t have to live in the state. You don’t even have to give your name or address -- the entire process is automated and it will take you less than 13 seconds.

There are many reasons why ALL gun owners from around the country should call.

For starters, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is generating his own calls into the Governor’s hotline, encouraging the Sandoval to sign the background (registration) bill.

Mayor “Big Gulp” has posted a video where he encourages people from around the country to cast their votes.

But YOUR VOTE could make the difference!

You may not live in Nevada. And so you may be thinking, “Why should I take action on an out-of-state bill?”

The reason is that what happens in Nevada wont’ stay in Nevada!

U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) has been on the fence in regard to universal background checks. He voted right on a key vote back in April, but we had to put a LOT of pressure on him in the state to get him to do so.

Every vote count that the Left made public had Sen. Heller as a possible pick up for their side. And that’s why we need to keep Nevada from adopting a universal background check bill. If the Republican Governor signs this bill, it becomes much more likely that this U.S. Senator from Nevada will vote to strap the rest of the country with gun control.

So please call the Governor’s hotline number -- no matter where you live!

ACTION. Call 775-684-5670 and press “2” -- to vote AGAINST the universal background check bill (SB 221). Again, you don’t have to live in the state. As noted above, you don’t even have to give your name or address -- the entire process is automated and it will take you less than 13 seconds. So no matter where you live, please make this call for the sake of freedom!

Also, please distribute this alert to EVERY PRO-GUN PERSON you know -- your family and friends, even your enemies -- as long as they are pro-gun! We need to flood this hotline with people pressing “2.”

BILL HIGHLIGHTS. There are a lot of problems with SB 221, but these are the key ones for Nevada residents:

* SB 221 would expand background checks -- and hence the framework for gun registration -- to most private gun sales. Even if you live hundreds of miles from a gun shop, if you want to transfer your gun to your next-door neighbor, you and he have to travel together to the gun shop (even if the buyer holds a concealed carry permit!).

* Under most circumstances, when you and your neighbor travel to the gun shop, he’s going to have to get a check with the FBI. Given that 8% of these checks result in “false denials” -- normally because his name is like someone else’s -- you’ll have to stick around the gun shop for three days. Most likely, your neighbor will effectively be denied the right to own a firearm.

* Even if you’re a purchaser with a CCW, the dealer has to make a 4473 on you -- and, increasingly, ATF is going around to gun shops and copying (a.k.a., registering) that information.

* If you go through the entire Brady Check procedure and it turns out the purchaser of your firearm -- unbeknownst to you (or the Brady System) -- is a marijuana user, you go to prison.

Bottom line: This is a horrible bill!
Please call 775-684-5670 and press “2.”
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Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585
Contact Form


Embrace the BRAAAAAAP!
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Where the Buffalo roam
Call and press "1" for a headshot and press pack and anti gun propaganda !!!
Call and press "2" for a check mark next to your number ( in case it passes )
I used office phone several times...they had better pack a lunch !!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2007
Another Victory!

Gun Owners of America
Nevada's Governor Vetoes Universal Background Checks!
While Biden set to jumpstart push for gun control next week

“One of the few who do know what they are doing is Gun Owners of America and Larry Pratt.” -- Peter Moss, “Who is Winning the Gun War?” AmmoLand, June 5, 2013

Stunning victory for gun rights in Nevada!

You guys did a tremendous job bombarding Governor Brian Sandoval’s office with phone calls, and he has listened to your appeals.

Governor Sandoval vetoed the Universal Background Check bill yesterday, and now, the anti-gun Left is in full-mourning.

The Associated Press reports that, “It is a significant defeat for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control advocacy group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns [MAIG]. The organization spent hundreds of thousands of dollars working to get the bill passed through to the governor.”

Despite Bloomberg’s fortune, his anti-gun MAIG simply doesn’t have the grassroots behind it.

GOA was joined by other groups on Tuesday, June 4, in asking Nevada gun owners to urge Sandoval to veto the legislation.

The next day, reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “2,200 people called his office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.... Four out of five calls [were] for the veto.”

According to the Journal, this onslaught was one of the chief reasons that the Governor set up a hotline number. His office simply couldn’t get work done as they were being “bombarded by calls from people who want the governor to veto the gun control bill passed by the Legislature.”

Once the Governor set up a hotline number -- and Bloomberg started running ads urging people nationwide to call it -- GOA urged gun owners nationwide (last Friday) to call Sandoval’s office.

As of this past Tuesday, more than 100,000 calls had already been placed to the Governor. And this just underscores how important it is for gun owners to join GOA’s email service.

Every new person you encourage to sign up for our free email alerts or for a new GOA membership gives us a louder voice in Washington and in states across the country!

The Governor was inclined to veto the gun control bill all along, but gun owners can be sure that -- had the poll results gone the other way -- he could have been easily persuaded to bow to Bloomberg’s pressure.

Nevada is a key state as it is home to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) and to “swing vote” Senator Dean Heller (R). Defeating Universal Background Checks in the Silver State -- with overwhelming numbers of callers opposing it -- sends a powerful message from a Purple State, that Americans do NOT want additional gun control!

Thanks to everyone who emailed our alerts ... who made phone calls ... and who registered their opinion with the Governor’s office.

Your activism makes a difference ... and your continued support helps keep us in the fight.

Double-barrel Joe Biden set to jumpstart push for gun control

Meanwhile, at the national level, the Vice President is planning an event where he will push gun control next week.

While he’s keeping the details of the event hush-hush, Biden said, “I personally haven’t given up [efforts at gun control], nor has the President.”

GOA will keep you posted on all the latest news and efforts in Washington to restrict our gun rights.

Thanks again for your support. And remember:

Every new person you encourage to sign up for our free email alerts or for a new GOA membership gives us a louder voice in Washington and in states across the country!

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Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585
Contact Form
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