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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
How bout that President who is talking peace after sitting with the POPE Who would have thunk it!!! .

Ha ha.
You show your colors (& intelligence) when you you criticize our great President Trump for sitting with the Pope!
Jan 15, 2010
Ha ha.
You show your colors (& intelligence) when you you criticize our great President Trump for sitting with the Pope!

He is not criticizing Donny for meeting with the pope, he is clearly highlighting the hypocrisy of Donny preaching peace and happiness after a campaign centred on bombing the sh*t outta em...

polaris dude

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Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
A couple guys might be wrong, or paid off, or any number of other motivations, but when the VAST majority agree on something, there's likely to be some truth to it. What other scientific consensuses shall we doubt today?

My boy Kyrie told me the Earth is flat....

And quite frankly I don't think it is wrong to be proud of our military achievements/people and be a proponent of peace.

I also do not agree with maintaining our current military budget. To me, it doesn't seem logical to fly 350 million+ dollar planes when it isn't better than 3 100 million dollar planes.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Our problem is overpopulation and water diversion. The earth's elements can not be created nor destroyed, as consumption increases exponentially, earth's natural processes will compensate.

I could only handle replying to one part of this post as the rest was so far off in left field I wasn't sure where to even start.

The earth is a system, much like our body, very complex and able to handle and adapt to great change as you pointed out. The problem is, like our bodies, their are constraints. Take consuming alcohol. You have a few drinks, get buzzed, your body processes the alcohol and you go back to normal. Drink 100 shots at once and you exceed its ability to handle it and you die.

Same with the earth, exceed its ability to react and you are going to exceed its ability to react and balance things. While the physical planet may remain, an environment able to sustain human life will not. So in a way, you are right, the earth will balance things out as once the planet is rid of its human parasites it can go back to balancing things.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
He is not criticizing Donny for meeting with the pope, he is clearly highlighting the hypocrisy of Donny preaching peace and happiness after a campaign centred on bombing the sh*t outta em...

I personally agree with a LOT of the thing Trump says and acts on. Where I find most of my reservations is the fact that he VERY frequently contradicts direct written Tweets, statements, etc that he HAS SAID. These aren't the media digging things up and trying to make him seem like a hypocrite.

Newtons 4th law - The Trump Law.

For each and every Tweet there is an equal and opposite Tweet.

black z

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Feb 2, 2014
I could only handle replying to one part of this post as the rest was so far off in left field I wasn't sure where to even start.

The earth is a system, much like our body, very complex and able to handle and adapt to great change as you pointed out. The problem is, like our bodies, their are constraints. Take consuming alcohol. You have a few drinks, get buzzed, your body processes the alcohol and you go back to normal. Drink 100 shots at once and you exceed its ability to handle it and you die.

Same with the earth, exceed its ability to react and you are going to exceed its ability to react and balance things. While the physical planet may remain, an environment able to sustain human life will not. So in a way, you are right, the earth will balance things out as once the planet is rid of its human parasites it can go back to balancing things.

That's exactly my point. Not sure why you think the rest of my post is so far off in left field, it's a fact. You really think C02 released in an area less than 1% of the surface area of our planet is what's causing extreme weather patterns? The volume is statistically insignificant in relation to the total volume of our atmosphere. Look at climate science theories back to the 70s, EVERY SINGLE doomsday prediction has failed to materialize, obviously.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
That's exactly my point. Not sure why you think the rest of my post is so far off in left field, it's a fact. You really think C02 released in an area less than 1% of the surface area of our planet is what's causing extreme weather patterns? The volume is statistically insignificant in relation to the total volume of our atmosphere. Look at climate science theories back to the 70s, EVERY SINGLE doomsday prediction has failed to materialize, obviously.
Do some math on how much power we generate, how much coal/oil/gas we burn to do it, and how much CO2 that generates. The math isn't too complicated, let me know if you have trouble.

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black z

Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2014
Do some math on how much power we generate, how much coal/oil/gas we burn to do it, and how much CO2 that generates. The math isn't too complicated, let me know if you have trouble.

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk

The math isn't too complicated, I'm a mechanical engineer. How about you calculate those numbers in relation to our atmospheric volume. I'll be waiting. Also compare them to the volume of a large volcanic eruption.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
The math isn't too complicated, I'm a mechanical engineer. How about you calculate those numbers in relation to our atmospheric volume. I'll be waiting. Also compare them to the volume of a large volcanic eruption.
Give me a bit, dinner time.

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Volcanic eruption, ha, just wait, the next time that happens, that will be Trumps fault as well.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Now wait a minute mafesto every thing bad up to trumps inauguration was obamas fault. Don't be afraid to share the blame.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
And what about that hole in the ozone layer that was supposed to have killed us by now. Haven't heard much about that lately. Al gore must have moved on to better scare tactics to raise money.
Jan 15, 2010
And what about that hole in the ozone layer that was supposed to have killed us by now. Haven't heard much about that lately. Al gore must have moved on to better scare tactics to raise money.

Considering the cause was CFCs and that the use of them was dramatically reduced a couple decades ago I'd say it has performed about as expected. I spent a bunch of time in the southern Andes mountains in the late '90s and I can tell you from personal experience that it was a real issue down there around that time. At a similar latitude and elevation to Colorado and comparing similar seasons the sun was way more intense. We used the same sun protection that we would have used in NA on day 1 of a 2 week climbing trip and were cooked by 12:00. The locals were concerned about the hole and made sure to tell us that we had to be extra careful due to the ozone issues-they were right. Ask anyone else who was in that area around then and you'll get the same answer.

But hannity has never been there so I'm sure he knows way more about it than me.

If CFCs went unchecked I'd confident that it would be a major issue right now. Maybe Donny will bring em back so we can find out.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
The math isn't too complicated, I'm a mechanical engineer. How about you calculate those numbers in relation to our atmospheric volume. I'll be waiting. Also compare them to the volume of a large volcanic eruption.

Looking it up, amazingly, someone has already done the math, and I figured you'd like that you can look up their sources:

Atmospheric CO2 hadn't changed much from ~1000 CE to 1850 CE, and was ~288 ppmv in 1850. That rose to ~370 ppm in 2000, and increase of ~28%. Calculations of CO2 produced by humans over that time period would actually indicate a rise of more than twice that. So much of what we produce does indeed get absorbed by sinks in the environment, but what we produce i definitely significant compared to the amount present in the atmosphere.

Some reading on greenhouse gas sources and sinks:

reading on energy consumption, and emissions per type of vehicle:

Other sources:

Oh, and for the volcanoes red herring:

In short, humans emit over 100 times the CO2 that volcanoes do every year.

And what about that hole in the ozone layer that was supposed to have killed us by now. Haven't heard much about that lately. Al gore must have moved on to better scare tactics to raise money.

Do a tiny bit of reading. The world practically completely phased out CFCs, which were what was destroying the ozone.

You can ignore the climate change part of this if you'd like, but it's pretty clear both that introducing CFCs was destroying ozone, and that banning them has allowed the ozone to start to recover.


I'd also like someone, anyone, to respond to this earlier post:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
I gotta ask, how were they measuring CO2 in the year 1000? Did you read the sac.org link you posted. Read the last two paragraphs and get back to me. Pretty much says the emission only last a couple days to weeks in the atmosphere. The same as what occurs naturally.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I gotta ask, how were they measuring CO2 in the year 1000? Did you read the sac.org link you posted. Read the last two paragraphs and get back to me. Pretty much says the emission only last a couple days to weeks in the atmosphere. The same as what occurs naturally.

You could google it yourself easily enough, but ice cores:

And these paragraphs?
Tropospheric O3 only lasts for a few days or weeks in the atmosphere, so its distributions are variable. Levels of tropospheric O3 have increased about 38% since pre-industrial times, and this increase is due to atmospheric chemistry involving short-lived pollutants emitted from human sources.

If that's the one you're talking about, yes, that is short lived, low level atmospheric ozone. Either you're conflating it with the ozone layer, conflating it with CO2 emissions, or trying to make some other point that I missed. That's irrelevant to either the ozone layer or CO2 discussion.


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
This past week I had heard on NPR, that deforestation effects climate change negatively more than all the cars, factory's, power plants, etc combined.

A blast from the past from the greatest President we ever had. (Apprentice president Trump couldn't hold a candle to this great man.)

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

And a quote from a very well respected republican and former speaker of the house.

John Boehner unloads on Trump: A ‘complete disaster’


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
I'm tired of arguing. It's like the gulf fishing stuff you posted. They claim how severely impacted the fishing was and when you get to the end of the story, they report a 10% drop in catching as compared to 02-09. A whole 10%. I could see if it was 50% they would have a bitch. I would imagine it would fluctuate that much without anything happening. Do you think the fisherman might have a reason to say fishing is down cause they will get a big check from BP. Naw, that couldn't be it.
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